A weekly series bringing ‘light’ to this time of lockdown…
Well and truly done with sourdough starters? Not interested in another DIY project? To help fill the void during lockdown, each week we’ll suggest some inspiring content to bring ‘light’ to this difficult time. Pop on the kettle and check out the recommendations below.
Navigating marriage and family life
Week one: Parenting as a team
Spouses come from different backgrounds, have different personalities and often different expectations for family life. All of this needs to be worked through to allow couples to be truly in sync with one another. This podcast from the Messy Family Project gives some great practical advice on how to parent together with unity, respect and of course—God’s grace.
Week two: Unity in marriage
In this podcast, Catholic counsellors, Dr Bob Schuchts and Jake Khym discuss how marriage is a union of two broken people, and yet when the love of God is invited in, unity is made possible. Sharing what they have learned through their own marriages and in their professional work, they pave a way forward for growth and healing.
Week three: Making the most of lockdown
In this blog post, local Melbourne mum of six, Kate Moriarty, shares some fun and creative ideas to help families make the most of their time together in lockdown.
Week four: Parents of the saints—How did they do it?
In this podcast, Jason Evert speaks with author Patrick O’Hearn about his new book ‘Parents of the Saints: The Hidden Heroes Behind Our Favourite Saints’. Patrick answers questions including: how did the parents of ‘wayward’ saints break through to them? What did their prayer life and family routine look like? How did the parents of saints embrace suffering to the advantage of their family?
Week five: How to keep our kids Catholic
In this episode of The Word on Fire show, Bishop Robert Barron and Brandon Vogt discuss what helps children retain their faith into young adulthood.
Week six: The irreplaceable role of parents
The role of parents cannot be underestimated. And while parents have a natural role—to protect and provide—we can sometimes forget the irreplaceable role parents have in the spiritual and emotional lives of their children. Find out more in this podcast from the Messy Family Project.
Week seven: Theology of the Body and healing
In this podcast, Catholic therapists, Dr Bob Schuchts & Jake Khym discuss how we can glorify God in and through our bodies. Using St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, they look at ways we can receive healing and peace.
Week eight: Parenting for purity
In this podcast, well known Catholic speaker Jason Evert discusses how to keep an open and ongoing dialogue with your children around topics related to love, dating and sexuality as well as tips for internet and phone safety.
Resources to help you explore the Bible
Week one: How to read the Bible
Getting started: In this short video, Fr Mike Schmitz shares several reasons we should pick up our Bible again, see it with fresh eyes and allow it to transform our lives.
Going deeper: In this video,Bishop Robert Barron looks at different approaches to understanding Scripture and how we can use them to hear God speaking to us today.
Week two: Exploring the Gospels
As Christians, we have four accounts of the life of Jesus, called Gospels. How should we read them?
Getting Started: This video by a Franciscan priest looks at how it’s possible to understand different Gospel accounts and stories about Jesus.
Going Deeper: This year, we are reading Mark’s Gospel at Mass. This video provides an introduction into the crafting and structure of the Gospel and the portrait of Jesus presented.
Week three: Opening up the Old Testament
Getting Started: In this video, Bible Snap brings you the Old Testament in 8 minutes, with a comprehensive overview of where the books and people fit in the timeline of history.
Going Deeper: Exodus is one of the key books of the Old Testament. Hear about the pivotal events in Exodus from a range of other Christian Biblical scholars and theological experts in this 10-minute video.
Week four: Praying with Scripture—How can we use the Bible in our prayer?
Getting Started: In this short video, Fr James Martin SJ introduces us Lectio Divina—a way of praying with the Bible that helps us listen to God.
Going Deeper: Pray as You Go is an online prayer tool that provides a guided contemplation of each day’s Gospel passage. Set aside 10-15 minutes, find a comfy space and listen.
Week five: Science and the Bible—Are they opposed?
Getting Started: In this video, Bishop Robert Barron firmly debunks the common claim that science and religion are diametrically opposed. Further resources on this topic, can be found here.
Going Deeper: This interesting video skilfully explores a Catholic understanding of the Book of Genesis’ account of creation through a tapestry of voices.
Week six: Understanding Mary in the Bible
Getting Started: Why do Catholics call Mary their mother? Isn’t that taking away some of the respect due to Jesus and giving it to Mary? On the contrary, in this video, Fr Mike Schmitz discusses how a relationship with Mary can strengthen our faith life.
Going Deeper: How are Mary and the Ark of the Covenant from the Exodus connected? What relevance does that have today? In this video, Dr Brant Pitre explores Mary’s role as the new Ark of the Covenant—the dwelling place of the Lord on earth.
Week seven: How do Scripture and Tradition work together?
Getting Started: Why do we believe in things like the Trinity, purgatory or even what books make up the Bible? They all form part of Sacred Tradition. In this 3-minute video, hear how Scripture and Tradition work together in the life of the Church.
Going Deeper: Written for Catholic teachers, this short article ‘Catholic Teaching on Sacred Scripture’ explains the role and importance of both Sacred Scripture and Tradition in our understanding of the revelation of God.
Week eight: The Acts of the Apostles—The Church begins
Getting Started: In this interesting video introduction to the Book of Acts, The Bible Project provides an overview of Pentecost and the beginning of the early Church.
Going Deeper: In this video, Bishop Barron speaks about the spread of the Gospel during the early Church, challenging us to share in the same work as St Paul and the early Apostles in proclaiming the message of Jesus to the world.
Disclaimer: Please note, that while these resources have been recommended, we are not able to endorse or verify other content created or hosted by third-parties.