Each year many hundreds of people begin the process of becoming Catholic. Sometimes it is because they know a Catholic and feel attracted to how that person lives or to the community they belong to. Other times it is because they feel God drawing them into a relationship or because they are looking for deeper meaning and purpose in their life.
Whatever the reason for your interest in the Catholic Church, please be assured that we are excited to have the opportunity to welcome you and to accompany you as you explore faith in Jesus and belonging in the Catholic Church.
Deciding to become a Catholic is an important life decision, therefore the process is a gradual one that usually takes about a year. You can change your mind at any time.
Firstly, find a parish community you would like to belong to.
Or, you may know someone who is a Catholic who can guide you. Contact or visit the parish and arrange to speak with the priest. You will be connected with a group of others who are interested in becoming Catholic and to a team that will guide you.
Secondly, you may wish to explore your relationship with Jesus through prayer and reading the Bible.
You are also encouraged to begin to attend Masses, prayer opportunities, social events and anything else happening in your new parish.
Finally, ask questions—lots of them!
Your new community wants to support and encourage your belonging in any way they can.
If would like help choosing a parish or to speak with someone personally, please contact proclaim@cam.org.au or phone Adrian on: (03) 9926 5709.