The music program at St Patrick’s Cathedral strives to enhance the liturgy, to sanctify, to inspire and to glorify God, while announcing and reflecting the constant growth and renewal of the people who hear and contribute to the music-making, whether as congregation members, choristers or cantors.
Chant continues to play a pre-eminent role, and Gregorian introits and Communion settings are sung weekly. The chant tradition is also fostered in adaptations to English liturgical texts, and congregational singing is strongly encouraged. Old and new sit harmoniously together in the music of the Cathedral, just as the Cathedral’s ‘new’ sanctuary is accommodated happily within Wardell’s magnificent architectural space. The building, its liturgy and its music speak of timeless values that are expressed in ever new ways, though invariably grounded in tradition.
Music at St Patrick’s is a reflection of the rich tapestry of stories, traditions, cultures and expressions of faith that comprise Australia. The repertoire at St Patrick’s travels through the ages, from ancient Australian and European times through to the current day, blending and resonating across cultures.
St Patrick's Cathedral is proud to open its doors to the community and offer an experience of the sacred through uplifting music from some of Australia's most talented musicians. Book your tickets online today.
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