These frequently asked questions (FAQs) will help answer questions parishioners may have about the 2024 Archbishop’s Campaign.


The Archdiocese is doing this to support key Archdiocesan ministries in a streamlined way, reducing the number of times parishioners are asked to give each year and the number of times parish priests and staff are asked to collect donations.


Gifts can be made by completing an online form or by completing the tear-off pledge card attached to the campaign envelopes available at your parish, and placing it, along with your cash or cheque donation, into the collection plate on campaign weekends or posting it to Archbishop’s Campaign, PO Box 146, East Melbourne VIC, 8002.

Please make cheques payable to ‘The Archbishop’s Campaign’.


One-off cash and cheque donations, as well as recurring payments by credit card, will be accepted. Please make cheques payable to ‘The Archbishop’s Campaign’.


Our fundraising platform is not currently set up to process direct-debit transactions. We are working to address this.


For those who are unable to proceed with a recurring credit card payment, we can set up a direct debit arrangement outside our fundraising platform. To arrange this, please contact the fundraising office at


Some activities of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne are conducted by entities that have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status from the Australian Taxation Office. Others, such as seminarian education and evangelisation, are not. By giving people the option of making a non-deductible gift, the Archbishop’s Campaign is able to support a broader range of the vital ministries within the Archdiocese.


When completing a pledge card (either on paper or online), donors will be prompted to indicate whether they wish to make a tax-deductible donation. For online pledges, if you wish to make a non-deductible donation, choose the button for non-deductible donations and complete the online form. For those completing hard-copy pledge cards, simply do not mark the box asking whether you wish to make a tax-deductible donation.


The Archdiocese encourages those donors who do not require a tax deduction for their gift to consider making a non-deductible donation. This enables the Archdiocese to support vital ministries that are not deductible gift recipients but that provide much needed activities such as evangelisation initiatives and seminarian education.


Donors making a recurring gift can change the tax status of their gift (tax deductible/non-deductible) by emailing the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne at


Receipts will be emailed to all donors making donations of $2 or more who provide an email address, regardless of whether they are making a tax-deductible donation. Receipts will be issued as payments are processed. Donors who do not have an email address can provide a postal address to which their receipt can be sent.


Tax-deductible donations will go to the Archbishop’s Charitable Fund. The Archbishop’s Charitable Fund supports:

  • University of Divinity Building Fund, which in turn funds the Catholic Theological College
  • Corpus Christi College Building Fund
  • Priests Retirement Foundation Archdiocese of Melbourne
  • John Pierce Centre, which supports the Deaf community
  • Melbourne Overseas Mission
  • Catholic community agencies and community service organisations, through an annual grants program.

Non-deductible gifts will go to the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Religious Projects Fund, which supports:

  • the Archbishop’s evangelisation initiatives, such as Australian Catholic Youth Festival and World Youth Day, and
  • seminarian education.