The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne’s Safeguarding Children and Young People (SCYP) Framework version 2.0, is now available. These documents replace all previous versions, including the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and the May Our Children Flourish Child Safety Code of Conduct.
The original Safeguarding Children and Young People Framework was released in 2019. The updated version has been created following feedback from stakeholders, a review of critical incidents and to continue to align with current and updated legislation. These documents are reviewed as part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne’s commitment to continuous improvement to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the most vulnerable members of our community.
The new suite of documents have been streamlined and redesigned with the aim of making them more accessible, fostering a shared understanding and commitment to safeguarding within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
The newly released SCYP Framework documents include:
The documents below are accessible on our Reporting Abuse and Safety-Related Misconduct page: