In today’s gospel we are challenged to understand the living out of our worldy existence. Are not our lives a mixture of wheat and darnel? Do we not each have planted within that which is good for us and that which is poisonous to us?
Often enough we are unable to distinguish the good and the poisonous, or we fail to notice the difference until it manifests itself in the fruits of our lives. And very often, we need the help of someone else’s keen eye to spot the signs of what is wheat-like about us and what is weed.
The cultivation of our lives by way of faith in Jesus Christ is the way in which we might learn to see what is wheat and what is weed about us.
Learning to look into our lives, honestly and humbly, and to then cultivate that which is good and true, is the Christian path towards holiness; it’s the way of entering into the kingdom of God.
The sower of the good seed is patient and forgiving. May we grow well and fruitful in the Lord’s hope and mercy, and bring these fruits—His fruits—to all whom we encounter.
Banner image: Claude Monet, The Wheat Field, 1881, oil on canvas.