As the rains came down over parts of Victoria in recent weeks, rivers swelled and the floods began to affect communities around the state. Before long, St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria (Vinnies Victoria) was hearing from people wanting to help their fellow Victorians, so they quickly launched a Flood Appeal.
Many people have been impacted by the devastating flooding across the state. Even a little bit of water damage can displace a family for weeks if not months, and there are longer-term and wider-reaching effects from these floods.
Barb Anglin, Acting State President St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria, says,
Traditionally, our volunteers and members are most involved in the long-haul, recovery phase, helping individuals, families and communities rebuild once the emergency phase of the disaster is over. We know this can take a long time, and we will be there for people, for as long as they need our support. As well though, our members are involved now, doing what they can to alleviate hardship. Often, we fulfil a need that other charitable agencies are unable to meet because we have flexibility that others don’t.
‘Many of our members are part of the affected communities and are seeing the immediate impact the devastating floods are having on individuals and families. We gain a sense of the enormity of these floods with the SES recording the most calls in one month in its entire history.
‘Our thoughts go out to everyone hit by this disaster. We will be actively helping people rebuild their lives by responding to their individual needs, providing emotional support and discerning where referrals to other services can assist in the long term towards recovery and healing.’
Donations are not only tax deductible, but 100 per cent of the funds raised go to the Society’s work in reaching people in need affected by the floods. For example, $50 can provide emergency groceries and other essential items for a flood-affected family.
The federal government has warned that the impact of this latest natural disaster will further intensify the cost-of-living pressures currently affecting all Australians, but particularly vulnerable households, not least in relation to the cost of groceries. It is clear that St Vincent de Paul’s local volunteers will play a critical role in continuing to lift people out of crisis for weeks, months and perhaps years ahead—and your support will enable that vital work.
To find out more about Vinnies Victoria Flood Appeal, please visit, call 13 18 12 or visit any of our Vinnies Shops, where you can make a donation. People can also donate via their local IGA supermarket, where the purchase of a token supports the flood recovery.