PhD Candidate Fiona Dyball from Charles Sturt University is offering a free music resource to Catholic parishes and schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese who participate in a new liturgical music survey.

The short survey will help form a new and accessible music collection of responsorial psalms for prayer and liturgy across the liturgical year. The music will be suitable for a range of ages, abilities and occasions.

All parishes and schools that participate in the survey can elect to receive free access to the sheet music and recordings when the project is released (estimated 2026). A free e-report will also be provided. Participation in the survey is free.

The survey is best completed by those with current responsibility for liturgical music in their Catholic parish and/or school, and is open from 7 October to 7 December 2024.

Further information on the survey can be found here.

Banner image: Cathedral Cantor and singers. (Photo: Melbourne Catholic.)