Sometimes, very little needs to be said in a homily. Just point out the obvious and allow the point to reverberate. Today is such a case.
David – king of Israel, secure in his own power, comfortable in faith – says to God, let me build you a house. God says ‘no’.
Mary – young woman of Israel, humble in her simplicity, trusting in faith – hears from God, let me build a house in you. Mary says ‘yes’.
God does not need a house built for him by us.
But God does desire to build a house among us.
The Incarnation is where God said to his beloved creation, I want to make my home in you.
And what is our response to be?
To borrow the words of the Australian poet Kevin Hart:
Go far into yourself,
Let quietness gather there,
then say the word.
Humbly, simply, trustingly, let us not be afraid to say the word ‘yes’.