Catholic Theological College (CTC) is once again offering a series of online lectures entitled, “Engaging Your Faith”. The series aims to provide the opportunity to explore the Catholic faith through a variety of topics including Church history, women in the early Church, reading Church classics, the Eucharist, as well as exploring the relationship between science and religion.
This is the second year the College is offering the sessions after its successful run in 2020. All topics are presented by lecturers of CTC and attract a range of students – from those wanting to further their studies or those who simply have an interest in the areas of theology and philosophy.
Dr Rosemary Canavan, Academic Dean of CTC and Senior Lecturer in New Testament, says the sessions are an opportunity to explore various aspects of the Catholic faith while growing in that faith in the company of others.
‘We live out our faith, are nourished and grow within our community. By engaging our faith together, we all have the opportunity to be open to the revelation of God among us and to encourage each other on our journey,’ Dr Canavan reflected.
Dr Canavan says the response to last year’s series, which was offered online, was overwhelmingly positive. ‘Nearly all sessions had over 100 participants and a number of employers sponsored their workers to attend.’
‘For some, these sessions were a gift in the midst of the isolation and oppressiveness of the COVID conditions and for others inspiration and encouragement in their faith and work.
‘Our lecturers received accolades for their professionalism and content, and participants were encouraging about their engagement in questions and discussion. We also received some helpful suggestions for further topics which we are offering this year,’ she said.
Like most academic institutions in 2020, CTC moved quickly to bring classes online and ensure students were supported in their learning.
‘It was clear to us that online, while not our main delivery mode, has become essential to meet the various needs of our students. This coincided with us being able to deliver classes online for those overseas, and this means we can give options to those not able to travel to Australia for study.’
While the college continues its online learning, the return to face-to-face classes in 2021 has been welcomed by both staff and students. ‘Some lecturers and students struggled with their learning and teaching online and are flourishing again in their preferred mode,’ says Dr Canavan.
‘Some lecturers though have also embraced blended options of delivery with some activities online in a face-to-face unit,’ she says.
‘Lecturers and participants are all learning together. We are on the road together and where two or more are gathered we are assured that Jesus in in our midst (Matthew 18:20).’
Reflective Practice in Ministry and Daily Life
Presented by Rev. Dr Jake Mudge
Tuesday 11 May, 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Newman and His Friends
Rev. Prof. Austin Cooper OMI AM
Wednesday 12 May, 10.00am - 11.30am
A Pastoral Council, a Pope at the Peripheries, and a Synodal Church
Rev. Dr Max Vodola
Monday 17 May, 4.00pm - 5.30pm
Eucharist as a Mode of Being: Living In and For Communion
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan
Tuesday 18 May, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Spirituality and Wisdom
Presented by Dr Christopher Morris
Wednesday 19 May, 7.00pm - 8.30pm
A Pastoral Council, a Pope at the Peripheries, and a Synodal Church
Presented by Rev. Dr Max Vodola
Thursday 20 May, 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Women in the Early Church: Implications for Today
Presented Dr Rosemary Canavan
Monday 24 May, 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Can a Scientist Believe in God?
Presented by Rev. Dr Christopher Mulherin
Monday 31 May, 7.00pm - 8.30pm