Catholic Theological College’s popular Engaging your Faith series of online faith-formation sessions is returning once again this May.
CTC launched the online sessions in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, providing a welcome formation opportunity for those who were stuck at home but seeking to deepen their faith understanding and spirituality. The lockdowns have ended, but the series is still going strong, with CTC offering new sessions every semester.
The latest series will run from 1 to 29 May, with accreditation available for teachers enrolling from Melbourne and Queensland schools. There are 18 different sessions to choose from, each providing an engaging and accessible ‘way in’ to a variety of topics, including virtue ethics, Lumen Gentium, spirituality, biblical studies, Christian meditation, theology, poetry, interfaith relations, the implications of future technology, and the relationship between science and religion.
All the sessions are presented by lecturers from CTC and will be delivered via Zoom. Visit the CTC website for the full schedule and to make bookings.
It is now sixty years since Vatican II commenced. One of the directives of the Council was that the critical study of theology be made available to the laity. This was taken up immediately by many, especially women. Lay leadership and theological education came together like no other period in the Church’s history.
Presented by Rev Dr Max Vodola
Skills and self-help hacks? Okay. But virtues? What is a virtue? A skill, an insight or something else? What sorts of virtue are there? Are they connected? Do they offer a flourishing, thriving life? And what is it to genuinely thrive, even to the point of being God-like? We will consider these questions by engaging with Aristotle, Aquinas and Duns Scotus.
Presented by Dr Callan Ledsham
‘I believe in science …’ is often a reason people give for not taking Christianity seriously. This session is an introduction to the ‘conflict myth’ and will offer some clues about how to understand the science–faith relationship as a harmonious one.
Presented by Rev Dr Christopher Mulherin
A love of poetry can sharpen and deepen our appreciation of the power of language to reveal truth to us. For example, poetry can reveal something of the ‘glory’ that envelopes creation and the challenges that we face in making an appropriate response. Poetry also gives us glimpses of the ‘glory’ to which we are called.
Presented by Rev Assoc Prof Austin Cooper OMI AM
Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium offered several ways to imagine the Church, including the image of the Church, as ‘pilgrim’. This session surveys various images for the Church, and discusses how Pope Francis’ call for a synodal Church might enrich the notion of the Church as pilgrim.
Presented by Rev Dr Jake Mudge
One of the best-known parts of St John’s Gospel is the raising of Lazarus. We explore the story in detail in this Easter-season class, to discover what it shows us about the salvation that Jesus brings.
Presented by Dr Catherine Playoust
This talk investigates how one can understand the mystery of faith and the mystery of science as mutual enhancement. Br Paul Creevey uses his background as a theoretical physicist and as a Johannine Scripture scholar to encounter the notion of mystery.
Presented by Br Paul Creevey
Christian believers have grasped a truth that satisfies the human heart. Is this really the case? Is it not just make-believe? This session will ponder some fundamental questions.
Presented by Rev Assoc Prof John Dupuche
At Pentecost, we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming to the Church. In this session, we take an advance look at the Pentecost Mass readings, to reflect on how the Holy Spirit moves in our lives.
Presented by Dr Catherine Playoust
How can a man born 2000 years ago have implications for me today? What possible relevance can he have for my life? What is the relationship between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith?
Presented by Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
The breath has profound meaning in spirituality and meditative prayer. Anthony of the Desert said, ‘always breathe Christ.’ Research also shows the central place of the breath as a source of healing and nourishment. This session will explore these connections and offer a breath practice.
Presented by Dr Christopher Morris
Pope Francis described disabled people as ‘hidden exiles’ in today’s society (Fratelli Tutti 98). This seminar will look at the Church’s theology of disability and how it intersects with understandings of the image of God. We will then consider the ways in which this is changing and directions for future development of theology, social teaching and pastoral practice.
Presented by Rev Dr Justin Glyn SJ
In the 1960s, theologian Karl Rahner predicted ‘the Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not be a Christian anymore.’ Rahner’s future is our present, and what a polarised and fractured present it is! In this session we seek to demystify Christian mysticism by considering the implications of the mystical experience of the divine as equally present in everything and everyone for our present global situation.
Presented by Dr Christopher Knauf
‘Young people today can expect to live forever, but AI will run the world.’ At least that is the view of some techno-optimists. This session is a brief introduction to artificial intelligence, including ChatGPT, and transhumanism, in which we will reflect on how Christians might think about future developments.
Presented by Rev Dr Christopher Mulherin
This session will examine conditions needed for opening up soul-deep questions and uncover the changing role of religious dialogue in a post-Christian society.
Presented by Dr Rina Madden
How do we discover what is true and holy in other religions? How can we all work together to bring peace and reconciliation to a troubled world? This session will show some possibilities.
Presented by Rev Assoc Prof John Dupuche
Vatican II expanded our vision for understanding the Blessed Virgin Mary. This session will open up this understanding of Mary, a shining star in the communion of the Church.
Presented by Rev Dr Simon Wayte MGL
Beginning with the five women included in the genealogy of Jesus, this session will explore Matthew’s inclusion of women in the life and ministry of Jesus and the implications for today.
Presented by Dr Rosemary Canavan
Visit the CTC website for the full schedule and to make bookings.