Catholic Theological College (CTC) is once again offering a series of online faith formation sessions for those looking to deepen their faith understanding and spirituality.
Entitled Engaging your Faith, the online sessions will run from 3 to 28 May, with accreditation available for teachers enrolling from Melbourne schools. There are up to 15 different sessions on offer, each providing a ‘taster’ for those interested in a variety of topics including theology, spirituality, biblical studies, Vatican II, pastoral studies, Laudato Si’, Christian meditation, lectio divina, interfaith relations, and the relationship between science and religion.
All topics are presented by lecturers of Catholic Theological College and will be delivered via Zoom. Visit the CTC website for the full schedule and to make bookings.
How can a man born 2,000 years ago have implications for me today? What possible relevance can he have for my life? Presented by Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
Through the fact that God’s eternal Word became physically human in Jesus, the body holds vital importance for Christian faith and life. Moreover, we are not just souls in bodies. We are body-persons. This session introduces the famous study of Pope John Paul II on the way Christ’s body and our bodies—along with sexuality, love, and desire—feature front and centre in enabling free and responsible personhood. Presented by Assoc. Prof. Adam Cooper
What does the Gospel of Luke reveal about prayer? This session will investigate the ways that prayer is demonstrated, taught, and encouraged in the narrative and how that might be a model for us today. Presented by Dr Rosemary Canavan
2022 is the 60th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II. John XXIII called the Council in order for the Church to renew its pastoral mission and engage with the dramatic global events of the time. Is Vatican II a distant memory or is Pope Francis unfolding its reality in his promotion of a humble, missionary and synodal Church? Presented by Rev. Dr Max Vodola
Genesis, the first biblical book, begins with two creation stories. Although at first glance they are of little importance to modern readers, they continue to be highly significant and answer the most profound existential questions. Presented by Rev. Dr Kris Sonek OP
This session surveys contemporary research and frameworks relating to burnout in ministry. It situates these in the context of various types of ministry today, and introduces the topics of “resilience” and “ministerial accompaniment” (pastoral supervision) and their relevance for the helping professions. Presented by Rev. Dr Jake Mudge
This session will explore spirituality as centred in wisdom and compassion. Practices will be offered to cultivate these qualities supported by contemporary research. Presented by Dr Christopher Morris
In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls for a spirituality that “can motivate us to a more passionate concern for the protection of the world” (216). This session identifies some of the theological underpinnings the encyclical identifies, ponders how these might bear on our daily living, and concludes with a consideration of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and its goals. Presented by Dr Frances Baker RSM
How do I access the riches of the word of God spoken to me? How can I dwell in silent and peaceful contemplation? This short course will provide pointers. Presented by Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche
Although salvation from sin is a central feature of the Jewish and Christian faith, at times we tend to overlook its relationship to creation. This session will appeal to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament to argue that God’s saving activity is ultimately about the fulfillment of God’s purpose for creation. Presented by Rev. Assoc. Prof. Mark O’Brien OP
What is a Christian meditation practice? How is it like, or different from, practices such as mindfulness? Drawing on biblical and non-biblical sources, this session provides you with a short experience of some ways Christians meditate. You will understand some of the distinctiveness of Christian meditation and how it aligns with, or differs from, other traditions of contemplative practice. Presented by Dr Cullan Joyce
At the heart of our faith is “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life” (1 John 1:1). The arts (poetry, music, and the rest) afford us some glimpses of this reality. This session will consider the value of some great pieces of visual art, which can help toward appreciating and living the Christian life. Presented by Rev. Prof. Austin Cooper OMI AM
“Deep Resurrection” and Hope for the Transformation of the World (26 May)
In light of the recent “golden age” of cosmology, and of the ethical imperatives of the climate crisis, some theologians speak of a “deep resurrection” in which all created things are taken up into the glorified humanity of the risen Jesus. What sources of hope does Christian faith in the resurrection offer our struggling world? Presented by Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan
Many people say (or fear?) that God and science don’t mix. “I believe in science …” is often a reason people give for not taking Christianity seriously. This session is an introduction to the “conflict myth” and will offer some clues about how to understand the science and faith relationship as a harmonious one. Presented by Rev. Dr Christopher Mulherin
How do we discover what is true and holy in other religions? How can we all work together to bring peace and reconciliation to a troubled world? This session will show some possibilities. Presented by Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche
Visit the CTC website for the full schedule and to make bookings.