Communion, creativity and tenacity were the three key words Pope Francis wanted the national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies to consider as they gathered in Rome for their Annual General Assembly.

‘Let us consider these essential words, which are relevant for the Church in its permanent state of mission, and especially for our Missionary Societies called to renewal in order to be ever more effective in service,’ he said to the 120 national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies who gathered at for the audience at the Fraterna Domus spirituality centre in Sacrofano, Rome, on Saturday 25 May.

The Pope’s words were full of encouragement and a reminder that the work of mission belongs to the whole Church.

Fr Brian Lucas, National Director of Catholic Mission in Australia, was among the national directors who travelled to Rome to attend the Pope’s audience.

‘As always, the Pope’s words were full of encouragement and a reminder that the work of mission belongs to the whole Church,’ said Fr Lucas.

In his opening speech, the President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Archbishop Emilio Nappa, said, ‘The “epochal change” underway in the world also challenges the nature and specific mission of the Pontifical Mission Societies, called to carefully read what is happening in society to set out once again to meet the deep needs of today’s men and women.’

In light of the Church’s celebration of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity the next day, 26 May, Pope Francis invited the national directors to reflect on and interpret three key words in a missionary context, beginning with communion.

‘When we contemplate the Trinity, we see that God is a communion of persons, a mystery of love,’ he said. ‘The love with which God comes to seek and save us, rooted in his being One and Triune, is also the basis of the missionary nature of the pilgrim Church on earth (cf. Redemptoris missio, §1; Ad dentes, §2).’

He encouraged everyone to ‘grow in this spirituality of missionary communion, which is the foundation of the Church’s current synodal journey. I emphasised this in the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium, and I reiterate it now, especially as you work on renewing your Statutes. Since a journey of missionary conversion is necessary for everyone, it is essential that opportunities for personal and communal formation be provided in order to grow in the dimension of “communal” missionary spirituality.’

The divine mission ‘is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him.’

Creativity was the second word that Pope Francis invited the Pontifical Mission Societies’ national directors to reflect on, something that the Pope said arises from being ‘rooted in God’s creative work, which makes all things new’. Missionary activity, he said ‘is creative to the extent that Christ’s charity is its origin, form and end. Thus, with inexhaustible imagination, such charity inspires new ways of evangelising and serving others, especially the poorest.’

Pope Francis proposed tenacity as the third word for reflection.

‘Let us also contemplate this characteristic of the love of the Triune God who, in order to fulfil his plan of salvation, with constant faithfulness has sent his servants throughout history and, in the fullness of time, gave himself in Christ Jesus,’ he said. ‘The divine mission “is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him. Tireless! … The Church, for her part, in fidelity to the mission she has received from the Lord, will continue to go to the ends of the earth, to set out over and over again, without ever growing weary or losing heart in the face of difficulties and obstacles”’ (Message for World Mission Day 2024).

This year, the Annual General Assembly—a central event for the Pontifical Mission Societies—will focus on the renewal of their Statutes. The assembly’s work will continue until 31 May.