To celebrate Catholic Education Week, a series of videos has been produced with principals, parish priests and parents reflecting on the importance of working together for the benefit of their school communities.
The series celebrates the great work of over 1,500 parent volunteers in School Advisory Councils across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. With an introduction by the Episcopal Vicar for Catholic Schools, these four videos are an encapsulation of what some priests, principals and parent members of School Advisory Councils believe it means to be part of a Catholic school.
Focusing on three themes: charism, encounter and working together in mission, these short videos are representative of the passion and goodness of those who work together in our schools to bring about the realisation of the mission of Jesus.
The films feature principals, priests and parents from Ave Maria College, Aberfeldie, Padua College, Mornington, St Jude the Apostle School, Scoresby, St Mary’s School, Greensborough, St Paul’s School, Sunshine West, and St Roch’s School, Glen Iris.
Loving God,
We thank you for our Catholic school communities in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
We pray that we may walk ‘the way of the gospel’ together,
as we accompany each other in our learning this year.
May the Holy Spirit guide us and give us new eyes, new ears and open hearts,
helping us to bring your love to all we encounter.
Mary, mother of the living gospel, pray for us.
We ask this prayer through Jesus our Lord and teacher,
For more of the week’s resources and activities, visit the website for Catholic Education Week 2022.