Last week, the Principal Class of 2024, comprising principals newly appointed to Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, were commissioned at a Mass at St John the Evangelist Church, East Melbourne.
Celebrated by Very Rev Mark Reynolds, Episcopal Vicar for Catholic Schools, the Mass welcomed principals commencing in Catholic schools since the last commissioning Mass at the beginning of 2023. ‘Today, you are being commissioned as principals, not just any principals, but principals of Catholic schools’, said Fr Reynolds in his homily. ‘There is a critical ecclesial dimension to your ministry as principals, and I can’t emphasise that enough. You are of the Church [and] the diocese, not just a network or a region, but something much bigger. You have a specific and critical role of leadership in the Church.’
We are called to draw people in by the way we minister.
‘In the commission that Jesus gives the disciples, we learn a key component of our lives as disciples, but even more so, a critical component of our ministry and vocation as principals. We are to bring all into the very life of God. That’s what Father, Son and Holy Spirit is: the very life of God. That’s what we are called to be doing and what you are commissioned to do: bring people, students, staff, the parent community further into the life of God. We are called to draw people in by the way we minister as principal.’
The newly appointed principals were joined by current and former principals at the Mass, along with key personnel from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS), partner organisations and the choir from Aquinas College, Ringwood. The new principals have now embarked on the year-long MACS Principal Induction Program, which provides relevant, timely and targeted support from teams across the organisation through workshop days, mentoring and networking opportunities to guide newly appointed principals to achieve success in their roles.
Congratulations and welcome to the following newly appointed principals, commissioned to lead their school communities in faith, hope and love: