Nations and peoples throughout the world are increasingly anxious about their children’s education. They fear they will be left out of the job market, technology will outpace them, and they won’t get into the colleges and universities that provide a secure future. The more people embrace the latest theories, the more worried they become. Today, we worry about jobs, identity, moral collapse, fragmented communities, fragmented minds, fragmented souls.
The Christian classical tradition has always pursued a freedom that arises from self-governance, a harmony that grows from wisdom, and a perception of truth that flows from virtue. Our age does not cherish these values.
By the grace of God, bearing its quiet fruit primarily through the love of godly mothers and fathers, a renewal of Christian classical education has been springing up throughout the globe. Lost insights have been recovered. Lately, through the patient zeal of Australian educators, the renewal has reached this great island nation.
What is classical education and why do we need it?
Don't miss this online conference and join the great conversation. Who knows but that we might be means of grace for this anxious age.
This online event is being organised by the CiRCE Institute (“Center for Independent Research on Classical Education”), which is a leading provider of inspiration, information, and insight to classical educators throughout the U.S. and Canada. The conference will feature local and international guest speakers and attendance is by donation.