Organised by the Pastoral Ministry Network and Mission Planners Network of Oceania, this reflective webinar features Sr Kathleen Rushton RSM who will reflect on how we have listened to the cry of our earth and the cry of the poor, and how we can integrate this Gospel mandate to care for the earth and the poor into our everyday life.
Sr Kathleen Rushton of Nga Whaea Atawhai Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zeeland teaches and writes on Scripture and works in spiritual direction. Her book, The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor: Hearing Justice in John’s Gospel (London: SCM Press, 2020) focusses ecumenically on both the Roman and Revised Common Lectionaries. Kathleen writes a monthly gospel reflection in Tui Motu InterIslands. Sr Kathleen will be interviewed by Richard McMahon and Lisa Bright, members of the Pastoral Ministry Network and Mission Planners Network of Oceania, the two hosting organisations.
Oceania Pastoral Ministry Webinars are open to practitioners - both lay and ordained - and anyone who seeks to live God's mission. Each webinar focuses on a practical pastoral topic affecting the lives and ministry of those in Australia, New Zealand and our surrounding region.
Tuesday 7 December 2021