Theology @ the Pub is an opportunity for those aged 18–35 (of all religious backgrounds) to meet, have great conversations over a meal and a drink, and listen to interesting talks by engaging Catholic speakers.

August’s guest speakers

Matt MacDonald and Steph De Niese are counsellors and psychotherapists whose professional work is informed by contemporary human science and the Catholic Church’s teaching about human dignity, love and sexuality.


As St John Paul II taught, we cannot live without love, but finding love and maintaining healthy romantic relationships are not easy. Come and hear why they believe our Christian faith—and, in particular, St John Paul II’s Theology of the Body—can bring light and life to our pursuit of authentic love.

Doors open for dinner at 6pm. Talk starts at 7.30pm.

For more information, visit Theology at the Pub.

Event Date

Monday 5 August 2024


The Crafty Squire
127 Russell Street