On Pentecost Sunday, Archbishop Comensoli wrote a pastoral letter to invite us to re-imagine our local Church as Mission communities and called for our participation in a time of prayer, listening and discernment. Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal warmly invites you and your community to engage with the heart of this renewed vision for our Archdiocese through prayerful reflection and dialogue. This first stage of prayerful listening to the vision and calling upon the Holy Spirit, is prior to more detailed future discussions about the process of Mission formation.
In this online workshop, we will listen carefully to “Take the Way of the Gospel” and ponder how we are each being called by the Holy Spirit into a renewed way of being in our local Church. There will be time to respectfully share with each other so as to deepen our understanding of this vision and fuel our energy to involve our faith communities. There will be several opportunities to attend the workshop:
The session will model the use of a resource “Take the Way of the Gospel – Beginning the Journey” which will be available for parish use in coming weeks. The parish resource will outline a way to explore and pray with “Take the Way of the Gospel” via a process of prayerful listening.
The workshop is suitable for parish leadership, parish pastoral councils, school communities, ministry groups, prayer groups and all interested parishioners and diocesan community groups.