ACU, together with Catholic Social Services Victoria and St Mary’s House of Welcome, is pleased to invite you to the launch of a new report titled, “Scarring Effects of the Pandemic Economy: COVID-19’s Ongoing Impact on Jobs, Insecurity and Social Services in Victoria”. This report shows that the COVID-19 crisis is not just a pandemic in public health terms—it has also been a pandemic of job loss and job market insecurity.

Behind low headline unemployment figures have been falls in employment and labour force participation, as well as untold suffering generated by the Federal Government’s exclusion of temporary migrants from basic social protection. COVID-19 has also increased demand for emergency relief and family violence services. The report calls for government to deliver a much higher rise in the JobSeeker payment, for new investment in public housing, and for renewed support for social service providers struggling with the decline of volunteers due to COVID-19.

Guest speakers

ACU will host the launch at their Melbourne Campus, with Professor James McLaren (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprise) launching the report. Netty Horton and Tony Nicholson will join lead author Tom Barnes for a Q and A panel after an initial presentation.

The event will also be live streamed via Microsoft Teams.

Event Date

Wednesday 6 April 2022


Christ Lecture Theatre (404.G.12)
Australian Catholic University
29 Young Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065