The priesthood is a central element of Roman Catholic faith, in which the one Priesthood of Christ grounds the priesthood of all believers through baptism and the ministerial priesthood of the order of the presbyterate. These are essential elements of the Church’s self-understanding, and yet there has been no major study of the Catholic priesthood since the Second Vatican Council. This absence enables weak, polarising and ideological understandings of priesthood and Church to flourish.
This evening will present and open a dialogue on the ongoing work of a five-year research program that addresses the core questions, challenges and theological gaps in Catholic theological understandings of priesthood. The intent is a multidimensional study of priesthood that anticipates an authentic transformation of ecclesial culture with lasting effect on the formation of priests, and the shape of Catholic communities and forms of leadership into the future.
Cocktails and finger food from 5pm.
Assoc Prof Maeve Louise Heaney (ACU)
Tuesday 4 June 2024
Australian Catholic University
Greg Craven Centre
Level 7, St Teresa of Kolkata Building
115b Victoria Parade