Join Mothers who Pray for their Children at their Frankston and region workshop. All welcome!

Theme: Prayer: Teach us to pray!’


9.15am: Holy Mass
10am: Welcome and opening prayer
10.10am: Our Lady of La Salette honouring and memorise prayer
10.15am: Rosary for the Children
10.35am: Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed by Thy name’ (Luke 11.2)
11.20am: Adoration
12pm: Break—lunch
1pm: Thy kingdom come’ (Luke 11.2b)
1.45pm: Give us this day our daily break’ (Luke 11.3)
2.25pm: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’ (Luke 11.4)
3.15pm: Break—cuppa
3.45pm: Deliver us from evil’ (Luke 11.4b)
4.25pm: Talk show
5.00pm: End of workshop / final blessing.

For all enquiries, email

Event Date

Saturday 13 May 2023


St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 60 Davey Street, Frankston