Catholic Social Services Victoria is presenting our 2021 program of Mission Inspired Leadership evenings online. Through a series of four connected workshops, it offers a range of inputs and opportunities for shared reflection with colleagues and leaders:

  • 5 August: Leadership Practice in a Catholic Context
  • 2 September: Leadership Influenced by Catholic Social Teaching
  • 7 October: Hearts and Minds: Engaging the Whole Organisation in Mission
  • 11 November: Building a Sustainable Mission-Driven Future

The Mission Inspired Leadership program is a professional development opportunity for senior leaders (Board members, CEOs, senior/executive managers and emerging leaders) in the Catholic social services sector and other affiliated organisations within health and education, which focuses on this mission-oriented dimension of leadership.

Relevant and useful written resources are included in the cost of this program.

Event Date

Thursday 5 August 2021

Further information

More information is available on Catholic Social Services Victoria's website.

Consecutive Dates

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