Welcome to Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral. We invite you to visit, pray, enjoy the art, architecture and music, and join us in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Mon–Fri: 7am & 1pm*
Sat: 8am* & 6pm (Vigil Mass)
Sun: 8am, 9.30am, 11am** & 6pm
* These Masses are livestreamed via the Archdiocesan YouTube channel and the video player below.
** These Masses are livestreamed via the Archdiocesan YouTube channel and the video player below, and also televised on Community Channel C31 (Channel 44 on digital television).
Weekdays: after 1pm Mass until 2.15pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel
Thu: 6.30pm (Six30 Holy Hour)
Tue–Fri: 12 noon (except on public holidays)
Sat: after 8am Mass (except on public holidays)
Mass is broadcast live from St Patrick’s Cathedral each weekday at 1pm and on Sundays at 11am.
Conveniently located in East Melbourne, adjacent to Melbourne’s central business district, St Patrick’s is a place of sanctuary, contemplation and worship for busy city workers and residents, as well as a beautiful place of historical and architectural significance for locals and visitors.
1 Cathedral Place, East Melbourne
Mon-Fri: 7am–5.30pm
Sat & Sun: 7.30am–7.30pm
Metered street parking is available in the area around the Cathedral. Secure undercover parking is available at the Park Hyatt.
The Cathedral is a short walk from Parliament Station, and the number 12 and 109 trams stop right in front (stop 11 on the corner of Albert and Gisborne Streets).
The Cathedral is a place of worship, and visitors are asked to observe a modest dress code with knees and shoulders covered, and to remove hats inside the Cathedral.
Visitor access to the Cathedral may be restricted during weddings, adoration of the blessed sacrament, and special events. Please see the signage at the Cathedral.
Access ramps are available at each entrance to the cathedral. The best access for visitors using mobility aids is via the side entrance nearest the pilgrim path and Cathedral shop.
Visitors are asked to kindly refrain from taking photographs during Mass times and to be respectful of the space and privacy of those who are praying. Please contact the Cathedral parish office for any enquiries about commercial photography.