This week's collection of stories includes interviews with Michelle Goh rsm and Danielle Fairthorne, two of Melbourne's Plenary Council members, who are gearing up for the first Assembly in October. Also featured is a look at the Legion of Mary which this year marks its 100th anniversary. Fr Nathan Rawlins provides a brief history of the lay apostolate and how, despite the pandemic, it continues to bear fruit around the world including here in Melbourne. This weekend also marks 20 years since the tragedy of 9/11. Melbourne Catholic Joe Doolan was present that day in New York and shares how amidst the terror, it was an experience of the Eucharist in the weeks that followed that gave him a renewed sense of hope.
We are also celebrating Safeguarding Sunday (formerly Child Protection Sunday) this weekend, as a way of acknowledging the immense damage to children and adults at risk by clergy, religious and lay people within Catholic contexts. It also reminds us of our commitment to creating and maintaining safe environments for all people.
We've also included in this edition some online events that you or someone you know may wish to attend. One event that was due to take place this weekend but has since been postponed is the Ordination Mass of Deacons Alex Chow, Hoang Dinh, Joseph Nguyen, Jaycee Napoles and Samuel Pearson. A new date will be set once further restrictions can be lifted. In the meantime, let's continue to keep them in our prayers as well as all those who continue to be affected by this pandemic.
And finally, while our friends in regional Victoria can thankfully enjoy some further freedoms, just a reminder for those in Metropolitan Melbourne that if your parish is unable to stream Mass online, you're welcome to join the daily livestream from St Patrick's Cathedral, and the Sunday 11am Mass which is also broadcast to free-to-air TV community channel C31 (channel 44 on digital TV).