Venturing out

Jesus calls us to venture out beyond our comfort zones and into those places where his love is needed most, towards people whose lives and experiences might differ drastically from our own but who remain close to God’s heart.

In this week’s stories, we hear from Dr Claudio Betti, who was in Melbourne last week for the Archdiocese’s annual clergy conference. He spoke with us about how we might be a Church that goes beyond the ‘safe space’ to build a culture of hope and peace.

As we observe Refugee Week, Andrew Hamilton SJ also encourages us to ‘light a candle’ by viewing refugees not as numbers and an abstract ‘problem’ but ‘from the inside’ as people with families and unique stories, and with inspiring gifts of resilience and generosity.

And we catch up with young Melbourne Catholic Kyle Correya, whose passion for music and ministry led him recently all the way to Rome, where he represented Australia at the International Congress on Youth Ministry.

Beyond ‘safe spaces’: Claudio Betti on going where Jesus sends us
Dr Claudio Betti, a leader of the Community of Sant’Egidio and director of ACU’s Rome campus, was in Melbourne recently to speak at the Archdiocese’s annual clergy conference. He spoke to us about how the Church can embrace a culture of hope and peace rather than decline and war, venturing boldly where Jesus sends it, including into the ‘unsafe spaces’ where it is most needed.
Kyle’s passion for music ministry ignited by international congress
There is a sense of excitement and anticipation for 21-year-old Kyle Correya following his recent trip to Rome, where he was the official youth representative for Australia at the International Congress on Youth Ministry hosted by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life from 19 to 28 May. Gathering more than 300 young people from across the world, the congress explored themes drawn from Christus vivit, which sets out Pope Francis’ approach to young people, faith and vocations.
‘Lighting a candle’ in Refugee Week
When we think of refugees, Andrew Hamilton SJ writes, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the numbers and bad news. But Refugee Week, he says, is not a time to curse the darkness, but ‘a time to turn our eyes to the myriad lights that shine in refugees’ eyes, to the candles of their generosity of spirit in the face of so much rejection, and to the pools of light surrounding their families.’ It also calls us ‘to light our own candles as we reach out to people who seek our protection and as we plead their cause’.
Caritas Australia raises awareness of the world’s largest refugee camp
As we mark Refugee Week this week, Caritas Australia is shining a light on the plight of the one million people in the world’s largest refugee camp, Kutupalong in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, which is made up of 33 highly congested camps. The Rohingya emergency in 2017 caused hundreds of thousands to flee there, with the plight of an estimated half a million child refugees having captured global attention.
‘Found in your love’: Emmanuel Worship play at Encounter+
Teenagers travelled from across the Archdiocese of Melbourne on Friday 14 June to gather for adoration, worship, food and fellowship at the Catholic Leadership Centre and St John the Evangelist Church in East Melbourne, where the special Encounter+ evening featured popular Brisbane-based band Emmanuel Worship on their first Melbourne tour. The band’s director, Liam Desic, says that ‘Jesus is always wanting to encounter’ us, and that evenings like this one offer young people opportunities to meet him in both ‘small and powerful’ ways.
‘Synodal women and men, builders of hope’: religious gather for annual Mass
In a spirit of joy and gratitude, on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, more than 170 consecrated women and men from across the Archdiocese of Melbourne gathered at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Deepdene for their annual Mass of Thanksgiving and Celebration. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli celebrated the Mass on 8 June, with priests from other religious congregations concelebrating.
Ahead of the Olympics, the ‘Holy Games’ project links faith and sport
In the run-up to the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, opening on 26 July, the ‘Holy Games’ project, launched for the occasion by the French bishops and the Archdiocese of Paris, is gaining momentum with a growing number of events on the theme of ‘sport and faith’.
Sport can open the way to Christ
The Church and sport can learn from each other in many ways. As the connections between sport and faith are becoming more visible in Australia—with some athletes praying on the field and others speaking publicly about their faith—a new document, Open the Way to Christ, published by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, explains how sport is a gift that can draw people closer to Christ.
World needs urgent political action to guide AI, Pope tells G7
Political leaders have a responsibility to create the conditions necessary for artificial intelligence to be at the service of humanity and to help mitigate its risks, Pope Francis told world leaders in his address on 14 June at the Group of Seven summit being held in southern Italy. As well as addressing leaders at the G7’s special ‘outreach’ session dedicated to artificial intelligence, the Pope met privately with 10 heads of state and global leaders in bilateral meetings before and after his talk, including US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Pope swaps jokes with comedy stars at Vatican
On 14 June, 105 comedians from around the world—including Stephen Colbert, Chris Rock, Jimmy Fallon, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Whoopi Goldberg, Jim Gaffigan and Mike Birbiglia—travelled to the Vatican for a papal audience, where Pope Francis highlighted the unique role of laughter in bringing people together in the face of conflict.
‘The best moments of the Church in history are the moments in which it forgot itself because it was looking at someone else.’
Claudio Betti, of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Rome
on how the Church is transformed when it looks outward in love and service
Upcoming events
Celebrating Liturgy Today: Exploring the Ritual Enactment of Faith
Monday 8 July 2024, 9.00am
– Thursday 11 July 2024, 5.00pm
Celebrating Liturgy Today: Exploring the Ritual Enactment of Faith (THLS606) is being offered through ACU’s Faculty of Theology and Philosophy. The unit will be taught by Prof Clare Johnson and guests over four full days (9am–5pm) and will be delivered live online via Zoom as a professional learning seminar and ...
‘Poets and the Faith: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Brontë and Christina Rossetti’ presented by Philip Harvey
Tuesday 13 August 2024
St Peter’s Eastern Hill is hosting a series of talks about significant poets who have inhabited—or skirted the fringes—of the Anglican and Catholic traditions of Christianity. From Gerard Manley Hopkins to RS Thomas, from Emily Brontë to WH Auden, how did their poetry enrich and challenge their understanding of the ...
Seventh ACMRO National Conference: ‘Welcoming seasonal workers in Australia’
Thursday 18 July 2024, 8.15am
– Friday 19 July 2024, 5.00pm
How faith communities can better welcome seasonal workers will be the focus of the seventh Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO) National Conference, to be held at the Australian Catholic University campus in Melbourne. With the theme ‘Welcoming seasonal workers in Australia: Gift and Responsibility’, the conference will address ...
Service of Compline, Newman College
Thursday 1 August 2024
With hymns sung by the Newman College Choir, Compline offers a serene way to wind down the mind, body and spirit before sleep. Soothing prayers, calming music and moments of reflection provide a welcome break from the hustle and busyness of daily life. Newman College is a co-educational Catholic residential ...
Melbourne Catholic Professionals luncheon: Prof Helen Alvare
Thursday 15 August 2024
Join us for the third Melbourne Catholic Professionals (MCP) event for 2024, where Prof Helen Alvaré, international author and Catholic scholar, will join us as guest speaker. Prof Alvaré is the Robert A Levy Endowed Chair in Law and Liberty at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University. She publishes ...
‘Living with Joy’ Women’s Retreat with Fr Frankie Mulgrew
Saturday 17 August 2024
The Catholic Women’s League of Victoria warmly invites you to a day retreat at the Catholic Leadership Centre. Fr Frankie was a professional entertainer in the UK before answering a calling to become a Catholic priest. The retreat commences 9.30am with Holy Mass, followed by adoration, Confession and three inspiring ...
Knights of the Southern Cross—Archbishop’s Dinner 2024
Friday 30 August 2024
Join the Knights of the Southern Cross Victoria to celebrate the 24th annual Archbishop’s Dinner. The dinner is held each year to raise funds for the Priests Support and Education Fund. This fund was established by the Knights of the Southern Cross to assist in the funding and education of ...
NATSICC spirituality retreat
Monday 9 September 2024
– Thursday 12 September 2024
Join the National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council in Galong, NSW, for their bi-annual spirituality retreat. This is an opportunity to experience silence, stillness and the value of prayer in our lives. The program will be delivered by special presenters. It includes a prayer pilgrimage to the grotto, Aboriginal ...

To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Melbourne Catholic events page.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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