Unique lives, united by the Spirit

Just as each person is unique, so is each life of faith. Every one of us contributes our gifts and follows the call of God in distinctive ways, being brought together not by uniform experiences and perspectives but by the unifying Spirit of God.

In this week’s stories, we welcome the news that Very Rev Anthony (Tony) Kerin has been called to contribute his considerable gifts as Melbourne’s new Vicar General, taking over from Fr Joe Caddy, who was recently appointed as Bishop-elect for the Diocese of Cairns.

We hear from some of the Melbourne-based Catholic university students who participated in the Building Bridges program, which culminated on Thursday night in a Zoom meeting with Pope Francis and with other Catholic students from around the Asia–Pacific region.

Also on Thursday night—the longest night of the year—the Vinnies CEO Sleepout raised more than $8.3 million nationwide to help tackle homelessness. Participants from some of our local Catholic agencies share how the experience gave them a new perspective on homelessness.

New Vicar General for the Archdiocese of Melbourne
Following the joyful news of Fr Joe Caddy's appointment as Bishop-elect for the Diocese of Cairns, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has announced the appointment of Very Rev Anthony (Tony) Kerin EV JCL—currently Episcopal Vicar for the Eastern Region, Episcopal Vicar for Life, Marriage and Family, and Parish Priest of Box Hill—as the new Vicar General for the Archdiocese of Melbourne. He will commence in the role on 5 August.
Melbourne students ‘build bridges’ by contributing to online meeting with Pope
‘Surreal’ and ‘inspiring’ are two of the words Melbourne-based university students Louise Luu and Daniel Pertile use to describe their experiences of meeting online with Pope Francis and other Catholic students from around the Asia–Pacific on Thursday 20 June. The Holy Father hosted the video call as part of the Building Bridges Initiative, a unique forum that since 2022 has invited university students to share honestly with each other and the Pope on issues affecting young people.
See the person and the need: Vinnies CEO Sleepout tackles homelessness
On Thursday 20 June—the longest night of the year, and one of the coldest—253 CEOs, business and community leaders and their teams gathered to sleep out at the Timber Yard in Port Melbourne. The Vinnies  CEO Sleepout, which has raised more than 8.3 million nationwide this year to help tackle homelessness, is not just about raising funds, according to St Vincent de Paul Victoria CEO Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald AM, but also about saying, ‘See that person, see their need, and show them empathy and care.‘
Sacred relics of St Anthony of Padua on pilgrimage
With the feast of St Anthony of Padua falling on 13 June, several parishes across Melbourne enjoyed the opportunity to venerate and celebrate Mass in the presence of two first-class relics of St Anthony of Padua this month, including St Francis of Assisi Parish in Mill Park and St Peter Apostle Mission Church in Hoppers Crossing.
Ecumenical High Tea raises funds and strengthens bonds
Freshly brewed coffee and tea served in fine China, fresh scones with jam and cream, finger sandwiches, quiches, cakes and slices were just some of the delicacies offered to guests at the annual Ecumenical High Tea coordinated by volunteers at St Paul’s Church Bentleigh (part of Holy Trinity Catholic Parish, Bentleigh East). The event has been raising funds for charity and strengthening bonds of friendship within the local community for 60 years.
Petition on prayer in parliament exceeds its goal of 10,000 signatures
In recent weeks, Victorians were encouraged to sign a petition calling for the Lord's Prayer to be retained in the Legislative Council of the Victorian Parliament. Under the Legislative Council’s Standing Orders, the petition needed 10,000 signatures by 17 June to be taken into consideration by the chamber. Exceeding this goal, the petition was presented to Parliament on 19 June with 10,912 signatures. A debate on the petition in the Legislative Council is now listed for Wednesday 31 July.
Safeguarding: Church must place disabled persons at centre, experts say
To prevent abuse across the board, the Catholic Church must place disabled persons at the centre of its safeguarding efforts and ministry, speakers said at an international safeguarding conference in Rome. Hosted by the Pontifical Gregorian University’s Institute of Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care, the conference brought global experts—including Melbourne’s Fr Justin Glyn SJ—to Rome to discuss the relationship between safeguarding and disability.
Australian Catholics called to support Peter’s Pence appeal 2024
Catholics around Australia are being encouraged to support the Peter’s Pence appeal on 30 June, the Sunday after the feast of St Peter and St Paul. Donations to the appeal, which goes back to medieval times, support Pope Francis’ mission, from the proclamation of the Gospel to the promotion of integral human development, education and peace.
Science that serves humanity is in harmony with faith, Pope says
Faith and science can go hand in hand as long as science is put at the service of humanity and not used to hurt or extinguish human life, Pope Francis said. The Pope’s remarks came during an audience at the Vatican on 20 June with cosmologists, theoretical physicists, astronomers and other experts who were attending a conference organised by the Vatican Observatory.
ACRATH campaign reveals reality of modern slavery
ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) recently launched its annual fundraising campaign, aiming to highlight the harsh reality of modern slavery in Australia. This campaign challenges individuals to look beyond the statistics to recognise the victims and survivors—the focus of ACRATH’s mission—as real people.
‘We don’t actually see the homeless. We drive past them, we walk past them, and so tonight is really about saying, “See that person, see their need, and show them empathy and care.”’
Dr Jennifer Fitzgerald, CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria
speaking at the 2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Upcoming events
Ragazzi Boys Chorus and National Boys Choir of Australia, St Patrick’s Cathedral
Wednesday 26 June 2024
Enjoy the combined voices of nearly 200 boys and men as the National Boys Choir of Australia performs at St Patrick’s Cathedral with the Grammy Award–winning choir Ragazzi Boys Chorus, currently on tour from Silicon Valley, California. The Ragazzi Boys Chorus, led by artistic and executive director Kent Jue, is ...
2024 NAIDOC Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral
Sunday 7 July 2024
On the first Sunday of July each year, the Catholic Church in Australia observes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. On this day we gather as one to honour and celebrate the rich cultural heritage and contributions of our First Nations Peoples to our Catholic Church. The theme for this ...
Celebrating Liturgy Today: Exploring the Ritual Enactment of Faith
Monday 8 July 2024, 9.00am
– Thursday 11 July 2024, 5.00pm
Celebrating Liturgy Today: Exploring the Ritual Enactment of Faith (THLS606) is being offered through ACU’s Faculty of Theology and Philosophy. The unit will be taught by Prof Clare Johnson and guests over four full days (9am–5pm) and will be delivered live online via Zoom as a professional learning seminar and ...
2024 NAIDOC Mass at St Francis’ Church
Sunday 14 July 2024
Join the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Victoria (ACMV) in a Mass to mark the end of NAIDOC Week (7–14 July) and to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Banner image: Urapun Muy (detail) by Deb Belyea of the Samuawgadhalgal Cassowary Clan ...
Seventh ACMRO National Conference: ‘Welcoming seasonal workers in Australia’
Thursday 18 July 2024, 8.15am
– Friday 19 July 2024, 5.00pm
How faith communities can better welcome seasonal workers will be the focus of the seventh Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO) National Conference, to be held at the Australian Catholic University campus in Melbourne. With the theme ‘Welcoming seasonal workers in Australia: Gift and Responsibility’, the conference will address ...
Service of Compline, Newman College
Thursday 1 August 2024
With hymns sung by the Newman College Choir, Compline offers a serene way to wind down the mind, body and spirit before sleep. Soothing prayers, calming music and moments of reflection provide a welcome break from the hustle and busyness of daily life. Newman College is a co-educational Catholic residential ...
Melbourne Catholic Professionals luncheon: Prof Helen Alvare
Thursday 15 August 2024
Join us for the third Melbourne Catholic Professionals (MCP) event for 2024, where Prof Helen Alvaré, international author and Catholic scholar, will join us as guest speaker. Prof Alvaré is the Robert A Levy Endowed Chair in Law and Liberty at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University. She publishes ...
‘Living with Joy’ Women’s Retreat with Fr Frankie Mulgrew
Saturday 17 August 2024
The Catholic Women’s League of Victoria warmly invites you to a day retreat at the Catholic Leadership Centre. Fr Frankie was a professional entertainer in the UK before answering a calling to become a Catholic priest. The retreat commences 9.30am with Holy Mass, followed by adoration, Confession and three inspiring ...
Australian Catholic Communications Congress, Sydney
Wednesday 28 August 2024, 9.00am
– Friday 30 August 2024, 12.15pm
The Australian Catholic Communications Congress will be held in Sydney from 28 to 30 August. This three-day event will be held at the Miller Hotel, North Sydney, with the theme ‘Missionary message for the modern world’. The congress is for all Catholics who are interested in improving their media and ...

To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Melbourne Catholic events page.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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