Friday 11 February marks the 30th World Day of the Sick, established by Pope John Paul II in 1992. In his message for the occasion, Pope Francis said that mercy ‘is God's name par excellence’, and asks us to pray for all healthcare workers, remembering the ‘dignity’ of their profession and responsibilities.
We also speak with Parish Priest of St Vincent de Paul Strathmore Fr Anthony Doran, who reflects on his ministry to the sick during the pandemic and says that healing is a sign of God's Kingdom ‘breaking in upon our world’. We also delve deep into six powerful graces that come with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
This Sunday 13 February is also Chaplaincy Sunday, with CatholicCare Victoria launching their 2022 Chaplaincy Appeal, reminding us that chaplains are ‘a guiding light for patients and families’.
Earlier this week, the Knights of the Southern Cross – who celebrate their centenary this year – presented Archbishop Comensoli with a cheque for $60,000 to go towards the ongoing education of seminarians and clergy. Also, since Sunday 27 February is the closing date for submissions to the Synod on Synodality, we've mapped out the steps for how you can prayerfully take part and make your voice heard!