More than a thousand people gathered at St Patrick's Cathedral on Ash Wednesday, as Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Australia, joined Archbishop Peter Comensoli for a Mass specially dedicated to praying for peace in Ukraine. Bishop Mykola expressed gratitude for the community's ongoing prayers and urged everyone to ‘remember Ukraine and her people this Lent‘.

Later that evening, the bishops of Victoria joined Bishop Mykola at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in North Melbourne for a special liturgical service to Our Lady Mother of God, where Bishop Terry Curtin preached the homily.

Pope Francis has continued to condemn the war and seek ways of facilitating dialogue between the two countries. He's not the only pontiff to have sought peace in troubled times, as we explore in this piece on popes and wars.

Sadly Fr Kevin Mogg AM passed away last Saturday, just shy of his 90th birthday. Fr Kevin was an outstanding leader and pastor in our community for more than 65 years, founding Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV). Last Sunday two seminarians were officially accepted as candidates to the priesthood for Melbourne and on Tuesday Project Compassion was officially launched at Mercy College Coburg. Plenary Council Members have also begun to reflect on proposals from the First Assembly, which will shape their next gathering in July.

‘Pray for peace and become ambassadors of Christ’: Ukrainian Bishop Mykola Bychok
More than a thousand people gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral for the celebration of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the annual liturgical Season of Lent. The liturgy was especially dedicated to praying for peace in Ukraine, with Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia, joining Archbishop Peter A Comensoli for the Mass.
‘We just want peace’: Ukrainian Catholic Church hosts prayer service
Locals filled the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul in North Melbourne on Wednesday night for a special liturgical service (“moleben”) to Our Lady Mother of God. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli and other Victorian bishops joined Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR for the hour of prayer, with Bishop Terry Curtin delivering the homily.
Mercy College Coburg hosts 2022 launch of Project Compassion
This year's Project Compassion is officially underway with the theme,“For All Future Generations”. The annual fundraising campaign was launched at Mercy College in Coburg last Tuesday, with more than 40 schools participating and music provided by Melbourne musicians Gen Bryant and John Ighalo. ‘Become peacemakers in the here and now,’ Archbishop Comensoli said to the students. ‘Be women and men who want to be covenant people – for the good of all creation and for working for peace.’
Plenary Council takes next step in discernment journey
The four-year journey of discernment for the Fifth Plenary Council took a step forward this week, with Council Members invited to reflect on proposals emerging from the Council’s first assembly, held last October. The Members will spend the month of March in personal and shared reflection on the document, prepared in four sections by expert writing groups.
An Enabling Life: Vale Fr Kevin Mogg AM
On Saturday 26 February, Fr Kevin Melville Mogg AM passed away, just two months short of his 90th birthday. Fr Kevin served the local Church of Melbourne for more than 65 years, and spent more than five decades as a leader in Catholic social services, founding Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV).
Melbourne seminarians accepted as candidates to the priesthood
On Sunday 27 February, two sixth-year seminarians from Corpus Christi College were accepted as candidates to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Melbourne in the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders held at St Patrick's Cathedral.
3 Popes who denounced war in their time
Far from being unique to Pope Francis, an inherent stance against war is ingredient to the Catholic tradition, and as warfare has become increasingly modernised and capable of indiscriminate destruction, the popes of the last century have been taking a stand. Here we take a look at just a few of them.
‘Ukraine is not Russia’s enemy. Please pray for Ukraine as she passes through this terrible trial and suffering.’
Bishop Mykola Bychok CSsR
Eparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania
Upcoming Events
Stations of the Cross at St Patrick's Cathedral
Friday 4 March 2022
The Stations or Way of the Cross is one of the most traditional and identifiable devotional practices in Catholicism. This Lent, join the Stations of the Cross at St Patrick's Cathedral every Friday from 12.30pm. This devotional prayer can be traced back to early Christian pilgrims who would visit the ...
Celebrity Organ Recital by Christopher Cook
Friday 4 March 2022
St Patrick's Cathedral is once again hosting a series of Friday night concerts, with the first concert featuring celebrated organist Christopher (Chris) Cook. Come and enjoy the beauty of St Patrick's Cathedral along with some classical music! Tickets are $25 and can be booked online or at the door. Children ...
“Merciful Father” Online Lenten Conference
Saturday 5 March 2022
This Lent, the Little Sisters of the Poor are offering a six-part online conference for young women to deepen their spiritual life and draw closer to God. Take some time to stop and reconnect with the Lord, stepping away from the business of daily life and listening to the Lord ...
Online forum: Implementing Laudato Si'
Tuesday 8 March 2022
This online forum will consider models and resources available to parishes for implementing the Laudato Si’ message. Three excellent speakers, Genevieve Mougey (Washington DC Archdiocese, USA), Kerry Stone (Catholic Earthcare parish coordinator) and Jacqui Remond (Vatican Ecology Taskforce) will lead us on this topic. The forum will be presented by ...
Virtual Lent Series with Australian biblical scholars
Tuesday 1 March 2022
This Lent, Garratt Publishing is once again hosting a series of talks by four Australian biblical scholars from Yarra Theological Union, a College of the University of Divinity. Each week this group of accomplished guides will work together to explore the readings for the week. Guest speakers include: Prof Mary ...
Submissions close for Synod on Synodality
Sunday 13 March 2022
Don’t miss out on this chance to take part in a global conversation about the Catholic Church. **The last day of submissions via the online portal is Sunday 13 March 2022. Don’t miss out on this chance to take part in a global conversation about the Catholic Church.** Pope Francis ...
The Patrick Oration 2022
Thursday 17 March 2022
Join us on the feast of St Patrick, patron saint of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, for the third annual Patrick Oration, to be delivered by Archbishop Peter A Comensoli. This year’s Oration is of special significance as 2022 marks 125 years since the consecration of the iconic St Patrick’s ...
Safeguarding Children and Young People @ CAM: Induction Session
Wednesday 23 March 2022
Hosted by the Professional Standards Unit (PSU), this interactive induction session is designed to introduce newly appointed clergy, staff and members of a safeguarding committee. It is designed for newly appointed persons within CAM to develop their understanding of child abuse, responding and reporting child abuse and child-safety related misconduct ...
Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre open days
Saturday 26 March 2022
Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre (MMHC) East Melbourne a place of inspiration and vitality, manifests and promotes the spirit and charism of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop and the Sisters of Saint Joseph. MMHC provides, through education, hospitality and charitable works, opportunities for all to experience and be challenged by ...
Information session for the Permanent Diaconate
Saturday 2 April 2022
Do you feel called to serve? The Permanent Diaconate is open to single and married men who want to serve God and the Church as ordained ministers. Come and see!
P.S. Before you go . . .
What are Ember Days?
Friday 4 March is one of two “Ember Days” in our liturgical calendar. The history of Ember Days is, admittedly, a bit obscure, and they are a peculiar feature of the Roman Church. What is their purpose and why should we make a conscious effort to adopt them again?
Continue reading: What are Ember Days?

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of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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