Bringing us together

As Pope Francis continues his historic tour of our region, his message of love and unity has powerful implications not only for the communities he is visiting but also for us here in Australia and for people throughout the world. Encouraging us to open ourselves to the love of our brothers and sisters, he points us to a God who delights not only in the unique gifts of different peoples and cultures but also in bringing us together.

In this week’s stories, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli's reflects on his recent visit to Indonesia, where he attended a number of events with Pope Francis and was encouraged by his experiences of a young, culturally diverse and ‘missionary-led Church with vibrant lay leadership’.

We share inspiring stories, images and messages from the Pope’s travels in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

And recognising that God brings us together not only on the global stage but also around the table, Archbishop Comensoli reflects on the significance of blessing prayers before meals in his most recent video for the Year of Prayer.

With joy and hope, Archbishop Comensoli reflects on Pope’s tour
In a letter to the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reflects on his recent trip to Indonesia as part of Pope Francis’ current tour of our region. Observing that the Church in Australia is ‘taking on a more Asian face of Christ, and a less Anglo-European one’, he asks, ‘What does a more Asian way in Christ look and feel like? And how do we embrace it with joy and hope?’
Pope and Imam sign ‘very important’ declaration at Jakarta mosque
On the Pope’s recent visit to Indonesia, Grand Imam Nasaruddin Umar welcomed him to the Istiqlal Mosque in central Jakarta, leading him directly to the ‘tunnel of friendship’, an underground walkway connecting the mosque and the Cathedral of St Mary of the Assumption on the other side of a busy three-lane highway. Later the two religious leaders signed the ‘Istiqlal Declaration’, committing members of both religious communities to defending human dignity, especially when threatened with violence, and to defending the integrity of creation.
Pope Francis brings message of love and unity to Papua New Guinea
Pope Francis has brought a message of love, unity and hope to Papua New Guinea, the second stop on his four-nation tour of South-East Asia and Oceania, where he attended a number of events in the capital Port Moresby and visited Argentinian missionaries in the remote town of Vanimo. Flying to the outpost in a Royal Australian Air Force C-130 Hercules plane, the Pope encouraged the 20,000 people who gathered to meet him to match the natural beauty of their environment with the beauty of their love.
Archbishop Comensoli: blessing prayers before meals
As we travel deeper into the Year of Prayer—and following on from his video reflections on the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be—Archbishop Peter A Comensoli reflects on perhaps the oldest prayer form of all, blessing prayers before meals, explaining how these humble, ancient prayers of gratitude can draw us closer to each other and to God.
‘A precious time’: a Missionary of Charity reflects on 35 years of service
From the moment she first heard Jesus whisper to her heart in a chapel in a refugee camp at the age of 17, Sr Mary has been on a remarkable journey with Jesus. Looking back on her 35 years as a Missionary of Charity, she reflects on the gifts of humility and service, and on what St Mother Teresa of Kolkata taught her in the last weeks of the saint’s life, telling her, ‘This is a precious time that God is giving you. Don’t waste even one minute.’
‘The spirit of the Good Samaritan’: acts of generosity bring hope to the people of Ukraine
Lyudmila and Yuri were forced to flee their home in Ukraine when their hometown was bombarded by heavy artillery. With the assistance of Catholic Relief Services, the support of Caritas’ donors in Australia and the kindness of strangers, they have found a new home in Moldova, ‘a small nation with a big heart’. As head of the Ukrainian Greek–Catholic Church Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk recently wrote to the Australian bishops, ‘If not for those who live by the spirit of the Good Samaritan, we certainly would not be able to survive.’
Taking the Season of Creation to heart
Reflecting on Pope Francis’ prayer for September, and on the central themes of the Season of Creation, which we celebrate this month, Andrew Hamilton SJ observes that when we take to heart a wounded world and wounded people, we will naturally want to heal it. But paying proper attention to our environment and to our brothers and sisters should also inspire us to give thanks. When we take it personally, he says, the Season of Creation is a time for celebration and gratitude as well as solicitude.
Social Services Sunday: towards a society of justice, mercy and compassion
By working together, we can help to build a society of justice, mercy and compassion, says Josh Lourensz, Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV), as he looks ahead to Social Services Sunday this weekend. CSSV has released a range of resources to help parishes make the most of this important opportunity to pray and give thanks for the thousands of staff and volunteers of Catholic social services in Victoria, and to reflect on what our own roles might be in this work of service and justice.
‘Let us remember that love is stronger [than fear and division] and its beauty can heal the world, because it has its roots in God.’
Pope Francis
addressing a crowd of 20,000 people gathered in front of Holy Cross Cathedral in Vanimo, Papua New Guinea
Come work with us

Applications are currently open for the following positions:

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

  • Animation Consultant, East Melbourne (including travel to the Western Region)
  • Deputy Director, Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal, East Melbourne
  • Library Manager—Mannix Library, East Melbourne
  • Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, East Melbourne
  • Aboriginal Catholic Ministry of Victoria (ACMV) Coordinator, Thornbury
  • Relationship Support Officer, CDF, East Melbourne

Parish position

  • Parish Secretary, St Dominic’s Parish, Camberwell East

If you are interested in applying for any of the above positions, further details can be found here.

Upcoming events
Catholic Earthcare Season of Creation Convocation 2024
Thursday 12 September 2024, 9.00am
– Saturday 14 September 2024, 6.00pm
You are invited to celebrate the Season of Creation this year at the 2024 Catholic Earthcare Convocation. During this three-day event, you are invited to explore our call to ‘Wonder, Weave and Heal’ the earth and the whole of creation. Gather online during Days 1 and 2 to engage in ...
Blue Skies: Newman College Choir concert
Sunday 15 September 2024
Join the Newman College Choir at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit for Blue Skies, the first in a series of concerts by the choir based on colour in music. This concert will explore various shades of blue, ranging from the crystal blue of Norwegian fjords to the dappled turquoise ...
Encounter evening: Box Hill
Sunday 15 September 2024
This unforgettable evening is tailor-made for high school students, offering a unique opportunity to encounter Jesus with prayer, fellowship, food and, of course, a whole lot of fun. Invite a friend along to our Encounter evening! It’s an invitation to share the joy, the love and the transformative power of ...
Chinese Alpha Australia Tour
Wednesday 18 September 2024
The Alpha Australia team warmly invite you to join them for morning tea at St Benedict’s in Burwood. With special guest Vinnie Tang, Rev Lam Tien Keong—from Alpha Asia Pacific—and the team at Alpha Australia, this gathering aims to ignite a passion for evangelism within Chinese churches and to unite ...
Ordination to the Priesthood, St Patrick’s Cathedral
Saturday 21 September 2024
On Saturday 21 September, Rev Jean-Sébastien Géry will be ordained to the priesthood. Please join us at St Patrick's Cathedral for the Ordination Mass, and pray for him as he embarks on his priestly ministry in the service of God’s people in the Archdiocese. The Mass will also be broadcast ...
St Patrick’s Cathedral Music Festival
Friday 20 September 2024, 5.30pm
– Sunday 22 September 2024, 5.00pm
This September, St Patrick’s Cathedral hosts a three-day music festival incorporating evening prayers, information sessions and workshops, Mass and performances from special guests. The program, which features both free and paid events, includes: Friday 20 September Vesper service (5.30pm) Saturday 21 September Information sessions and workshops (2–4.30pm) Sunday 22 September ...
Online information session on the permanent diaconate
Tuesday 24 September 2024
With the success of the permanent diaconate information session earlier this year, another session will be held in September for those who were unable to attend the first time. The permanent diaconate is open to single and married men, aged between 30 and 60 years, who want to serve God ...
Migrant Youth Festival
Sunday 29 September 2024
The ethnic and migrant youth of Melbourne are invited to the inaugural Migrant Youth Festival, an initiative of the Migrant Catholic Chaplaincies. The festival is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded young people while encountering Jesus and deepen your faith and relationship with God. The day will include a ...
‘Mass for All Nations’: Migrant and Refugee Mass, St Patrick’s Cathedral
Sunday 29 September 2024
‘God walks with His people.’ Celebrate the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees with migrant communities from all over Melbourne at the annual Mass for All Nations on Sunday 29 September at St Patrick’s Cathedral. 2pm: Procession and Rosary in various languages 3pm: Mass celebrated by Archbishop Peter A ...
Holiness for All: St Thérèse of Lisieux exhibition
Tuesday 1 October 2024
– Thursday 31 October 2024
Hosted at St Patrick's Cathedral, the Discalced Carmelites warmly invite you to an exhibition on the life of St Thérèse of Lisieux, a remarkable young women who, despite passing at the age of 24, left us with her 'little way’ to holiness. All are welcome! Learn more about this great ...
Service of Compline with Reconciliation, Newman College
Thursday 10 October 2024
Compline is a peaceful evening ritual, with hymns sung by the Newman College Choir. Newman College is a co-educational Catholic residential college at the University of Melbourne. Compline offers a serene way to wind down the mind, body and spirit before sleep. With soothing prayers, calming music and moments of ...
Short course on Catholic Marriage, ACU Centre for Liturgy
Tuesday 15 October 2024, 7.00pm
– Tuesday 12 November 2024, 8.30pm
The ACU centre for Liturgy is offering a short course titled 'A Faithful Promise: Catholic Marriage—Covenant and Calling'. Presented by Prof Clare Johnson, Director of the ACU Centre for Liturgy, this course will explore the Catholic sacrament of Marriage as a lifelong partnership between a baptised man and woman. This ...
Melbourne Catholic Professionals luncheon: Sr Mary Sarah Galbraith OP
Thursday 17 October 2024
Sr Mary Sarah Galbraith OP will be our guest speaker at the next Melbourne Catholic Professionals Luncheon on 17 October. Sr Mary Sarah is the local Superior of the Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia and Principal at St Bernard’s Primary School in Bacchus Marsh. She has more than 30 years ...

To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Melbourne Catholic events page.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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