As we embark on a new year—not just any new year, but a Jubilee Year—we are reminded that God makes all things new. The Jubilee calls us to set out as ‘pilgrims of hope’, alert to the signs of renewal all around us. This week, there have been plenty!
On Saturday 1 February, in one of the biggest Archdiocesan events of recent times, thousands converged on St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate the Episcopal Consecration our two newest bishops, Bishop Thinh Nguyen and Bishop Rene Ramirez RCJ—a joyful and hopeful moment for the People of God in Melbourne.
We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new ‘2025 Jubilee—Pilgrims of Hope’ webpage on the Melbourne Catholic website, where local pilgrims can find everything they need to participate in this once-in-a-generation opportunity for renewal and reconciliation.
And we celebrate the life and faith of the Hon Kevin Andrews AM, who was recently and posthumously honoured in this year’s Australia Day honours.
Welcome to a new year of Melbourne Catholic! We look forward to sharing the journey of hope and renewal with you.