Signs of renewal

As we embark on a new year—not just any new year, but a Jubilee Year—we are reminded that God makes all things new. The Jubilee calls us to set out as ‘pilgrims of hope’, alert to the signs of renewal all around us. This week, there have been plenty!

On Saturday 1 February, in one of the biggest Archdiocesan events of recent times, thousands converged on St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate the Episcopal Consecration our two newest bishops, Bishop Thinh Nguyen and Bishop Rene Ramirez RCJ—a joyful and hopeful moment for the People of God in Melbourne.

We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new ‘2025 Jubilee—Pilgrims of Hope’ webpage on the Melbourne Catholic website, where local pilgrims can find everything they need to participate in this once-in-a-generation opportunity for renewal and reconciliation.

And we celebrate the life and faith of the Hon Kevin Andrews AM, who was recently and posthumously honoured in this year’s Australia Day honours.

Welcome to a new year of Melbourne Catholic! We look forward to sharing the journey of hope and renewal with you.

Joy overflows at Consecration of Melbourne’s newest bishops
On 1 February 2025, St Patrick’s Cathedral was overflowing—with people and with a spirit of joy and hopeful anticipation—as the Archdiocese of Melbourne welcomed two new auxiliary bishops. About 3,000 faithful gathered at the Cathedral and at nearby Cathedral Hall on a warm, bright Saturday morning for the Episcopal Consecration of the Most Rev Thinh Nguyen and Most Rev Rene Ramirez RCJ, with thousands more joining online from across Australia and overseas for the almost three-hour liturgy.
Jubilee 2025: new webpage launches for local ‘pilgrims of hope’
Jubilee 2025 is now properly underway, and local pilgrims hungry to know more about how to participate can find everything they need on a new ‘2025 Jubilee—Pilgrims of Hope’ webpage on the Melbourne Catholic website, including information on all the local Pilgrim Places and on how to obtain Jubilee plenary indulgences, a Jubilee calendar and other useful Jubilee resources.
Vale Kevin Andrews AM, man of faith, family and service
The Hon Kevin Andrews AM, who served in the Australian Parliament from 1991 to 2022 as member for the Victorian seat of Menzies in the House of Representatives, died from cancer on 14 December 2024, aged 69 years. A little over a month later, in the 2025 Australia Day honours, he was posthumously appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for ’significant service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to the Catholic Church, and to the community’.
Words of life: the transformative power of the Bible
On Sunday 2 February, Word of God Sunday was celebrated in Australia, an opportunity for the Church to celebrate, study and share the Word of God with others. In that spirit, we speak to three Melbourne Catholics—Mary Ann Payne, Dr Rosemary Canavan and Deacon Joshua McDermid—about the powerful and transformative role that reading, studying and sharing the Bible has played in their lives.
‘Come and see’: God’s grace made visible in consecrated life
Sr Mary Helen OP is a religious sister with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia. Reflecting on the significance of the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, which we celebrated last Sunday, she writes, ‘I am always moved when someone sidles up to whisper that question, “How did you know God was calling you?” It’s always a moment of grace as I am drawn back to remember that moment in Year 7 religion class when, seemingly out of nowhere, I was seized by the love of God and became convinced that my life was for loving him in return and bringing others to love him.’
Bishop Terry Curtin retires as auxiliary bishop
On 31 January 2025, Bishop Terence (Terry) Curtin retired as an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, where he has served as Bishop for the Northern Region of the Archdiocese since 2014 and as Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation and Mission. ‘Although more than four years over the “official” retirement age, it has been a great joy and privilege to continue sharing these years with the people of Melbourne,’ Bishop Curtin said.
Red Mass invokes ‘the Breath of God’ in pursuit of justice and mercy
More than 200 members of the legal profession in Melbourne gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Monday 28 January for the annual Red Mass, a Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit invoking God’s guidance and blessing at the commencement of the legal year. This centuries-old tradition, which dates back to medieval Europe, continues to serve as a solemn annual reminder that the pursuit of justice must be grounded in deeper principles of truth, mercy and service to others.
All in the family
Welcoming an exchange student into her home has made Kate Moriarty view her own family with new eyes. As we embark on the Month of the Holy Family and a new school year, she reflects on the sometimes chaotic reality of family life, the example of the Holy Family and the perennial problem of odd socks. She writes, ‘Like Mary, I can meet Christ and reflect his love in the ordinary acts of service that make up family life. Small acts of love, performed imperfectly, still count for so much.’
Continue reading: All in the family
Archbishop Costelloe calls Australians to support ‘Jewish sisters and brothers’
Writing in The Australian on 4 February, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, points to the disturbing rise of anti-Semitism in Australia and says we all have a role to play in supporting and protecting our Jewish sisters and brothers. ‘For the many Australians of Christian faith,' he writes, 'it is particularly important we recognise the danger of anti-Semitism and do everything we can to work against it.’
After 800 years, Aquinas’ writings continue to inspire
In 2025, as Catholics the world over celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of St Thomas Aquinas, the Dominicans at the Melbourne Thomistic Institute (MTI) are inviting Melburnians to learn more about St Thomas through a series of four-week courses on Thomism. ‘If you study Thomas, you discover the goodness of creation in all its forms,’ says Rev Dr Joseph Vnuk, a Dominican at MTI.
Pope Prayer Video
Pope prays for Church that accompanies young people in discernment
Pope Francis says the Church must welcome young people and embrace their desires and doubts to bring them closer to Jesus and ultimately open them up to receiving God’s call. ‘God still calls young people even today, sometimes in ways we can't imagine: for vocations to the priesthood and religious life,’ the Pope said in a video message to present his prayer intention for the month of February.
Supporting future priests in Timor-Leste in the spirit of the Jubilee of Hope
In the spirit of the Jubilee Year 2025, dedicated to hope and renewal, Pope Francis has reminded us that ‘in the pilgrimage of Christian life, a new beginning is always possible’—words that resonate particularly with Clintino, a seminarian in Timor-Leste. Growing up in a family experiencing significant financial constraints, Clintino is pursuing his calling to serve others as a priest, despite the financial hardship entailed. In this Jubilee Year, Catholic Mission invites us to support future Church leaders like Clintino and their communities.
‘The courage to accept this calling comes from our complete reliance on God’s love and our trust in his plan, which may still be unfolding for us ... We eagerly anticipate deepening our connections and guiding our congregation in faith as we grow together in the love of Christ.’
Bishop Rene Ramirez
speaking on behalf of himself and Bishop Thinh Nguyen at their Episcopal Consecration at St Patrick's Cathedral on Saturday 1 February
Come work with us

Applications are currently open for the following positions:

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

  • Organist/Pianist—Newman Residential College, Parkville
  • Parish Financial Services Manager, East Melbourne
  • Asset Manager, East Melbourne
  • Administration Officer—ACYF 2025, East Melbourne
  • Event Project Officer—ACYF 2025, East Melbourne
  • Discipleship Specialist—Young Adults, East Melbourne

Parish positions

  • Sacraments and RCIA Coordinator—Our Lady of Pentecost Parish, Balwyn, Camberwell, Deepdene, Surrey Hills and Wattle Park
  • Parish Business Manager, Parish of South Yarra


  • Procedure Documentation Analyst, CDF, East Melbourne
  • Relationship Manager, CDF, East Melbourne
  • Expressions of Interest—Chief Executive Officer, Pathways Victoria, remote role

If you are interested in applying for any of the above positions, further details can be found here.

Upcoming events
Lourdes Day Mass
Saturday 8 February 2025
The Order of Malta invites you to the annual Lourdes Day Mass—an opportunity to pray for the sick and infirm, particularly those who are not able to visit Lourdes. The Mass will take place at St Patrick's Cathedral, with Archbishop Peter A Comensoli as the principal celebrant. Everybody attending will ...
Six30 Holy Hour
Thursday 13 March 2025 6.30pm –7.30pm
Please note that various venues will be used for Six30 Holy Hour throughout 2025 as St Patrick's Cathedral hosts Confirmation Masses as part of the Jubilee Year. Please check venue details each week on the Events page of Melbourne Catholic. Join with young Catholics from across the city for a ...
Valentine’s Day Concert featuring Jennifer Chou and Joseph Yu
Friday 14 February 2025
This Valentine’s Day, St Patrick's Cathedral is hosting a ‘Salut d’amour’ concert with special guest Jennifer Chou (organ) and Joseph Yu (trombone). About the performers Born in Hong Kong, Jennifer Chou graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in the organ and had her debut as a soloist ...
Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Choir and National Boys Choir of Australia Concert
Sunday 16 February 2025
As part of their Australian tour, the Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School (UK) will be performing a concert at St Patrick’s Cathedral, where they will be joined by the National Boys Choir of Australia. Featuring 120 voices, this program includes Fauré’s Requiem and select choral and organ ...
Embarking on an Awakening Journey into an Ecological Spirituality
Thursday 20 February 2025, 9.30am
– Thursday 20 November 2025, 3.00pm
Hosted by the Sisters of Saint Joseph, this series of interactive, day-long seminars—to be held on nine Thursdays throughout the year—is an opportunity to engage more deeply in reflection and exploration of the ecological spirituality articulated by Pope Francis in Laudato si'. How might we as people wanting to deepen ...
Leading in Hope: Vital Parishes
Saturday 22 February 2025
‘For I know what plans I have in mind for you—declares the Lord ... to give you a future and hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11). Parish clergy and leadership teams are invited to get ahead of the curve and begin 2025 with a special day of formation and planning, focusing on what ...
ACU Short Course: Faith, Hope and Love
Wednesday 5 March 2025, 6.00pm
– Wednesday 26 March 2025, 8.00pm
Explore the theological virtues at the heart of Christian faith and theology through the ‘Faith, Hope and Love’ short course. Held over four Wednesday nights, this course gives participants an insight into how Christ transforms the understanding and practice of virtue, delving deeply into the meaning and character of faith ...
Group Spiritual Direction Journey
Thursday 6 March 2025, 4.30pm
– Thursday 27 March 2025, 6.30pm
This course—hosted by the Sisters of Saint Joseph and held over four days in March—explores the questions: Who am I? What is my purpose? And what am I becoming? It is a journey of coming home to the deepest part of who we are, grounded in the growing realisation that ...
Rite of Election 2025
Sunday 9 March 2025
Archbishop Peter A Comensoli will celebrate this significant annual occasion in the life of the local Church in Melbourne. The liturgy is a significant moment for catechumens and candidates as it marks the beginning of their final preparations to receive the sacraments of initiation. Parish priests and RCIA coordinators have ...
Hope in Action: CSSA National Conference, Sydney
Wednesday 19 March 2025, 8.00am
– Thursday 20 March 2025, 6.30pm
Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) invites CSSA members and supporters to attend the highly anticipated Catholic Social Services Australia National Conference, from 19 to 20 March 2025. The Conference theme, Hope in Action, draws inspiration from the Jubilee 2025 theme, Pilgrims of Hope, echoing Pope Francis’ call for peace, respect ...
Permanent Diaconate Information Session
Saturday 3 May 2025
Following the success of the permanent diaconate information sessions in 2024, we will be holding another session for those interested. The permanent diaconate is open to single and married men, aged between 30 and 60 years, who want to serve God and the Church as ordained ministers. The information session ...
Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage 2025
Monday 21 July 2025
– Tuesday 5 August 2025
Bookings are open for the Archdiocese of Melbourne’s Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage 2025. This pilgrimage is open to Catholics aged between 18 and 30 years. Harvest Journeys is the pilgrimage provider, and Fr Jude Johnson will accompany the pilgrims as their chaplain. This graced and hope-filled journey will take in ...
Call for papers

The Loyola Institute and the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry invite papers for ‘Idol Talk? In the Image of the Disabled God: Disability, the Imago Dei and Practical Consequences’, to be held on 22–23 May 2025 at Australian Catholic University’s Melbourne campus. Abstracts of 200 words are to be submitted by Monday 17 February 2025. Find out more here.

To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Melbourne Catholic events page.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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