There is a lot happening in our Archdiocese as we make our way towards Easter, so this week we take a look at a few important upcoming events, as well as a few recent ones.

This weekend, Corpus Christi College celebrates an important milestone: for a hundred years the seminary has been forming and training priests to serve the people of God in Melbourne, and this Sunday Archbishop Peter A Comensoli will celebrate a special centenary Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Carlton. We take a look at the College’s history, as well as some fascinating artefacts originally housed in the College library and currently on display as part of the ‘Treasures of the Mannix Library’ exhibition.

This Friday—the feast day of our patron, St Patrick—the Archbishop will deliver the 2023 Patrick Oration. You are warmly invited to tune in as he reflects on the pathways that illumine our future as the people of God. The event will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel and via free-to-air TV on Community Channel C31 (channel 44 on digital TV) at 7.30pm.

This week, we also celebrated the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ elevation to the papacy. To mark this anniversary, we’ve collected ten quotes, one from each year of Pope Francis’ pontificate. Together they point to the range of Pope Francis’ concerns and his dreams for the Church.

Last weekend, at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Stephen Fernando and Hoa Tran were ordained to the permanent diaconate, bringing the number of permanent deacons in our Archdiocese to 22. We hear about this joyful celebration and about the hopes of our newest permanent deacons for their future ministry.

In preparation for this year’s Chrism Mass, which will be held on Saturday 1 April, we take a look at the meaning and significance of this ancient and beautiful liturgy.

Finally, don't forget to keep checking the regularly updated program for Fiat: A Weekend of Prayer. There are plenty of events to choose from, right across Melbourne and beyond. It’s just over a week away and promises to be a significant and grace-filled moment in the life of our Archdiocese as we come together in prayer, reflecting on how God might be calling us, like Mary, to respond with a total ‘yes’.

Watch the fourth annual Patrick Oration: Friday 17 March, 7.30pm
On Friday 17 March, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli will deliver the 2023 Patrick Oration. All are invited to participate in this event by tuning in from around Melbourne to watch and listen as Archbishop Comensoli shares his thoughts on the pathways that illumine our future together as the people of God.
100 years of Corpus Christi College
On Sunday 19 March, Corpus Christi College, the regional seminary of Victoria and Tasmania, will celebrate an important milestone, marking a hundred years of forming and training priests to serve the people of God in Victoria, Tasmania and beyond. We take a look at the history of the College and some of its most precious historical treasures, currently being displayed as part of the 'Treasures of the Mannix Library' exhibition.
Fiat—A Weekend of Prayer
Written by: Proclaim: Office for Mission Renewal
Parishes, communities and individuals across the Archdiocese of Melbourne will unite for a weekend of prayer from Friday 24 March to Sunday 26 March 2023. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has said that this weekend, which coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, ‘promises to be a moment of grace for the local Church, as together we meditate on Mary’s fiat, her total “yes”.’
Continue reading: Fiat—A Weekend of Prayer
Archdiocese welcomes two new permanent deacons
Written by: Fiona Basile
The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne celebrated the ordination of two new permanent deacons over the weekend. Stephen Fernandes and Hoa Tran were ordained to the permanent diaconate by Archbishop Peter A Comensoli at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 11 March, with family, friends and a large number of parishioners from their local communities gathering for the joyful occasion.
A grace for all the faithful: the Chrism Mass explained
Ancient and symbolically rich, the Chrism Mass is one of the most significant liturgical events in the Church outside of Christmas and Easter. All the faithful are warmly invited to participate in this year’s Chrism Mass, which will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 1 April at 10am. In preparation, we take a look at what the Chrism Mass is and why it’s important.
10 quotes for 10 years of Pope Francis
This week we marked the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ elevation to the papacy. To celebrate this milestone, we’ve collected ten quotes, one from each year of his pontificate. Together they demonstrate the wide range of Pope Francis’ concerns and his vision for the Church.
Melbourne’s Catholic schools celebrate
Written by: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS)
The commitment to ‘forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Christ’ is the theme of this year’s Catholic Education Week, which is being celebrated across the Archdiocese of Melbourne from 12 to 19 March. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our 334 Catholic primary and secondary schools—schools that ‘aim to inspire and enable every child to flourish and, in turn, enrich the world around them’.
‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’
Luke 1:38
Upcoming Events
2023 Patrick Oration
Friday 17 March 2023
Please join us online or via C31 for the fourth annual Patrick Oration, presented by Archbishop Peter A Comensoli. Archbishop Comensoli will be reflecting on the pathways that illumine our future as the people of God. The event will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel ( and via free-to-air ...
Fiat—A Weekend of Prayer
Friday 24 March 2023
– Sunday 26 March 2023
Our local communities of grace across the Archdiocese of Melbourne will unite for a weekend of prayer from Friday 24 March to Sunday 26 March 2023. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has said that this weekend, which coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord on Saturday 25 March ...
Friday 24 March 2023
Join youth and young adults of the Archdiocese of Melbourne as they gather at Sacred Heart Church, Carlton, for the first event of the FIAT weekend of prayer. Adoration | Song | Evangelisation | Confession For all enquiries, email or call (03) 9926 5713).
Chrism Mass, St Patrick’s Cathedral
Saturday 1 April 2023
You are warmly invited to join us for the annual Chrism Mass, which will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 1 April at 10am. In this ancient and beautiful liturgy, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli, together with all of Melbourne’s priests, will bless the oils being used in the ...
Catholic Education Week: Creative Arts Exhibition
Thursday 16 March 2023, 9.00am
– Friday 17 March 2023, 4.00pm
The Creative Arts Exhibition showcases the wonderful artwork of primary and secondary students in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. It reflects their creativity in a broad range of impressive and inspiring works across various disciplines, including painting, photography, sculpture, fashion and film. The exhibition is open to the public at the ...
‘Walk with Jesus to Calvary’: St Agatha’s Church Lenten retreat for children
Saturday 18 March 2023
– Sunday 19 March 2023
Join St Agatha’s Church Lenten retreat for children: ‘Walk with Jesus to Calvary’. For ages 5–15, the retreat will feature praise and worship, activities and games, group discussions, Holy Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Guest speakers: Fr Aurelio FragapaneFr Joseph AbutuFr Paul Zaher Bookings are essential. Food will ...
God and Beer: Reflections of an Australian Catholic exorcist
Monday 14 August 2023
This month's speaker is Fr Michael Shadbolt, officially appointed exorcist for the Archdiocese of Melbourne for ten years. He was the much-loved parish priest of Holy Family Doveton for many years, and is the recent author of a book 'Exorcism: Reflections of an Australian Catholic Exorcist.' An initiative of the ...
Jesuit Social Services Annual Dinner
Saturday 25 March 2023
Jesuit Social Services is a social change organisation working to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential. They accompany people and communities to foster and regenerate the web of relationships that sustain us all, and work to change policies, practices, ideas and values that ...
Walk for Justice for Refugees
Sunday 2 April 2023
In advocating for the just and humane treatment of people seeking asylum in Australia, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) would like to invite you to walk alongside teachers, students, principals, parents, parishioners, priests and individuals from Catholic schools, churches, and communities across Victoria this Palm Sunday at ...

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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