As of today, the feast of the Visitation, there are only 50 days left until our first pilgrims depart for World Youth Day. We invite you to use this time to pray for the 500+ pilgrims who have been busy preparing for the journey ahead.
As part of Reconciliation Week, we hear from Catholic Social Services Victoria about a webinar series that is helping to educate participants about the upcoming referendum on the proposed Voice to Parliament, with the aim of promoting informed and generous conversations about this important moment in the life of our nation.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity—which we celebrate this week—is an opportunity to pray, with Christ, that the Church will be ‘one’. As well as providing warmth to the homeless on Melbourne’s cold nights, the Sunbury Winter Shelter offers a beautiful example of ecumenism, with several Christian communities coming together in service and friendship.
Lastly, we’d like you to meet Melbourne Catholic Shirley Calnin, who recently turned 100 years old! She shares her story with us, as well as her beautiful faith. ‘At the end of the day, it’s no good feeling sorry for yourself, you have to keep laughing—that’s what it’s all about,’ she says.
PS Don’t forget to scroll down for some great events happening around town, including a concert with British organist Colin Andrews at St Patrick’s Cathedral in June. Happy reading!