The Good News of Jesus Christ is for all times, all people and all places. The Holy Spirit, however, is always opening up new ways of expressing this timeless message in different generations and in different contexts. This week we share some stories to help us think about how the transforming power of the Gospel might continue to be unleashed, not just in our own lives, but in a world yearning for meaning and purpose.

This year Catholic Theological College celebrates 50 years of helping to educate and form not only our seminarians and religious, but also a growing number of lay people. Recently, at the College’s annual Knox Public Lecture, a panel discussed the topic ‘50 Years of Theological Education in Context: Then, Now, What Next?’ A common theme of the discussion was the hope that theological formation and biblical education might be made more accessible to ordinary people. As one panelist said, ‘The message really needs to go out more that everyone is invited, everyone can come and see how theological study can nurture one’s faith and relationship with God.’

Last Friday was the Day of Prayer for Anglican–Roman Catholic Reconciliation—a day of special significance this year as the Anglican and Catholic dioceses of Melbourne both celebrate their 175th anniversaries. As part of these celebrations, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli recently joined the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Justin Welby, at St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral for a special service of ‘Evensong'. In his sermon, Archbishop Welby reflected on the adventurous early days of the Church in Melbourne, and also looked hopefully to the future, reminding us that when we put our whole trust not in human achievement but in ‘the God who is worthy of thanks’, real Christian unity and true transformation become possible.

In this spirit of ecumenism, and to mark Archbishop Welby's recent visit, we have also put together a short list of Christian ‘classics‘ by Anglican authors to enrich your Catholic faith.

Social media offers new and powerful opportunities to reach people with the story of God’s love. At a recent conference, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle called social media ‘a blessing in the world’, but also encouraged us to think carefully about its formative influence on our lives—and especially on the lives of young people. We look at what Cardinal Tagle had to say, not just about how we might share the Gospel with social media, but how the world of social media itself might be transformed in light of the Good News of Christ.

Finally, as we prepare for Red Wednesday later this month, we are reminded that perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to the Church’s mission is the persecution faced by Christians in many places. We hear about the different ways Red Wednesday will be celebrated around the world this year, including at our own St Patrick's Cathedral, which will be lit red for a special Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil on 23 November.

May you experience the joy of the Gospel in your life this week, and may you discover new and surprising ways to share it with others.

‘God calls us to be united’: Archbishop of Canterbury visits Melbourne
Last month, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli joined the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Justin Welby, at a special Choral Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral to give thanks for the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. In wide-ranging and inspiring sermon, Archbishop Welby reflected on the precarious early days of the Anglican and Catholic dioceses in Melbourne, asking, 'On what do you rest such an adventure? On what do you rest your hopes?’ The answer, he said—both then and now—is that our hopes rest not on our own efforts but 'on God, who is worthy of thanks’.
‘A lamp on a lampstand’: Celebrating fifty years of Catholic Theological College
At the annual Knox Public Lecture hosted by Catholic Theological College on Wednesday 12 October, a panel of distinguished past and present faculty members discussed ‘50 Years of Theological Education in Context: Then, Now, What Next?’ A common talking point among the panellists was their hope that theological formation and biblical education might be made more accessible to ordinary people.
5 great reads from Anglican authors to enrich your Catholic faith
Friday 4 November is a day set aside for praying for Anglican and Roman Catholic reconciliation. In light of Melbourne’s recent visit from His Grace Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, we've put together a short reading list of books by Anglican authors to edify and enrich your own Catholic faith.
Cardinal Tagle’s call to evangelise social media
We hear much about the need to evangelise with and through social media, but less about evangelising the world of social media itself. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle believes that social media is, in many ways, ‘a blessing in the world’, but also that we should carefully monitor and address its formative influence on the lives of young people. Social media saturates our societies, and engaged with uncritically, it can change our view of what it means to be human in very subtle ways, he says.
Red Wednesday: highlighting religious persecution around the world
Written by: Aid to the Church in Need
The international Red Wednesday campaign will take place this year on Wednesday 23 November. Buildings and landmarks around the world will be illuminated in red and prayer vigils will be held—including at Melbourne's St Patrick's Cathedral—to call attention to the plight of persecuted Christians and the lack of religious freedom in many countries.
‘How can we contribute to bring Gospel joy to the ordinary person in a way that’s contextualised to our times? In a way that will touch on the lived experience of people and the spiritual yearning of people in our day and age?’
Dr Michelle Goh RSM
on discerning the future of theological education
Upcoming events
2022 Ordination Mass at Patrick’s Cathedral
Saturday 19 November 2022
Join us for Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral to celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of transitional deacons Huy Nguyen, Vinh Do and An Le, and the ordination to the transitional diaconate of Thomas Christie, Tien Tran and Peter (Ngoc) Nguyen. As St Alphonsus Liguori once said, ‘The happiest man ...
Melbourne Catholic Professionals luncheon
Tuesday 22 November 2022
Since their establishment in Australia over a decade ago, the Catholic Professionals events have quickly become premier networking opportunities. These events engage a broad range of industry leaders, while providing a place to meet people, listen to exceptional speakers and address issues and trends in the life of the Church ...
Red Wednesday Prayer Vigil, St Patrick’s Cathedral
Wednesday 23 November 2022
Join Msgr Joselito Asis, Episcopal Vicar for Migrant and Refugees, in an evening of prayer and recollection to mark ‘Red Wednesday’ and stand in solidarity with the +200 million Christians who are being persecuted for their faith. Joining many other cathedrals and churches around the world, St Patrick's Cathedral will ...
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia: ‘Lamps Alight’ women’s retreat
Saturday 18 February 2023
Join the Dominican Sisters and Anima Women’s Network for a one-day retreat to explore Pope St John Paul II’s beautiful and profound thought on the dignity of women and the order of love. The retreat will feature Fr Paschal Corby OFM. There will be Mass at 9am, followed by adoration ...
God and Beer: ‘How do Christian Faith and Psychology Work Together?’
Monday 14 November 2022
An initiative of the Knights of the Southern Cross, God and Beer brings together people of all ages from across the south-east suburbs several times a year. God and Beer aims to inspire and strengthen Christians through ideas for renewing the Church.This week's speaker is Colin Patterson, a former psychologist ...
2022 Advent McKinney lecture: ‘An Indigenous Voice’
Tuesday 22 November 2022
Banyule Churches Together is featuring Fr Frank Brennan, SJ AO, a Jesuit priest and Rector of Newman College at the University of Melbourne, to discuss ‘An Indigenous Voice’ in the context of the 2022 Advent McKinney lecture. Fr Frank is a distinguished fellow of the PM Glynn Institute at Australian ...
Carddijn Lecture: ‘Siblings all, Sign of the Times’
Monday 14 November 2022
The Australian Cardinal Institute is pleased to host Canadian Cardinal, Michael Czerny, SJ, president of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, who will deliver the Cardijn Lecture for 2022. Cardinal Czerny will address the theme ‘Siblings all, Sign of the Times: the Social Teaching of Pope Francis’, which ...
Musical: ‘The Call of Guadalupe’
Thursday 24 November 2022
The Call of Guadalupe musical is an entertaining, uplifting Christian musical that celebrates life, love and hope. Based on a story by Anne Lim, the musical was created by playwright and artist John Lee, with music composed by Peter Foster. St Joseph’s Parish is thrilled to have the participation of ...
Ecumenical service: ‘Holding the Light’
Sunday 27 November 2022
St Peter’s Eastern Hill will be hosting an ecumenical service to remember the victims and survivors of family domestic violence. The focus this year will be on how family violence has impacted male survivors and perpetrators. Jesuit Social Services will speak about their work with men and adolescents. For all ...

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of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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