On Monday, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli delivered the fifth annual Patrick Oration at the Australian Catholic University. Speaking on the feast day of St Patrick, he posed some challenging questions for a Church whose mission continues to evolve, and shared an inspiring vision of how our beloved St Patrick’s Cathedral—and the Church in Melbourne more broadly—might fulfil its purpose as ‘a true light into the city’ and ‘a place of transfiguration in a world that yearns for more’.
Last Friday, the Archdiocese also had the privilege of hosting English Dominican friar and theologian Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, who spoke to clergy, seminarians and theologians on his role at the recent Synod on Bishops in Rome and reflected thoughtfully on the meaning of vocation.
Also this week, as St Dominic’s East Camberwell celebrates its centenary, we speak with parish priest Fr Paul Rowse OP about how we might help people to regain a firmer footing in an unstable world through the recovery of a ‘robust’ sense of truth. A thought-provoking conference on how we might seek Christian wisdom in an AI world raises some thorny problems while pointing to our truest source of wisdom and hope. Our Safeguarding Unit launches the new Safeguarding Children and Young People Framework, along with a series of webinars to help parishes navigate and implement these new policies and documents. And CatholicCare Victoria supports children’s mental wellbeing with a range of free and affordable services.
Finally, we ‘go to Bonnie Doon’ to celebrate St Patrick's Day with the tight-knit community of the Mansfield Catholic Parish.
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