A true light into the city

On Monday, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli delivered the fifth annual Patrick Oration at the Australian Catholic University. Speaking on the feast day of St Patrick, he posed some challenging questions for a Church whose mission continues to evolve, and shared an inspiring vision of how our beloved St Patrick’s Cathedral—and the Church in Melbourne more broadly—might fulfil its purpose as ‘a true light into the city’ and ‘a place of transfiguration in a world that yearns for more’.

Last Friday, the Archdiocese also had the privilege of hosting English Dominican friar and theologian Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, who spoke to clergy, seminarians and theologians on his role at the recent Synod on Bishops in Rome and reflected thoughtfully on the meaning of vocation.

Also this week, as St Dominic’s East Camberwell celebrates its centenary, we speak with parish priest Fr Paul Rowse OP about how we might help people to regain a firmer footing in an unstable world through the recovery of a ‘robust’ sense of truth. A thought-provoking conference on how we might seek Christian wisdom in an AI world raises some thorny problems while pointing to our truest source of wisdom and hope. Our Safeguarding Unit launches the new Safeguarding Children and Young People Framework, along with a series of webinars to help parishes navigate and implement these new policies and documents. And CatholicCare Victoria supports children’s mental wellbeing with a range of free and affordable services.

Finally, we ‘go to Bonnie Doon’ to celebrate St Patrick's Day with the tight-knit community of the Mansfield Catholic Parish.

For more news and events, visit the Melbourne Catholic news and stories page or our events calendar, or follow us on Facebook.

A light for those who yearn: Archbishop Comensoli delivers 2024 Patrick Oration
Archbishop Peter A Comensoli has delivered the 2024 Patrick Oration at ACU in Melbourne, reflecting on how we might continue to share and rediscover the light and love of Christ, especially in places that surprise us. From Nick Cave and Six30 Holy Hour to his vision for the iconic St Patrick's Cathedral, the Archbishop takes us on an insightful journey that maps out the possibilities of inviting people into a life with Christ.
Moving us out of our comfort zone: Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP speaks in Melbourne
Friendship. Encounter. Synodality. Transformation. These were the key points for reflection offered by author and speaker Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP last Friday 15 March at a session held for seminarians of Corpus Christi College and staff of Catholic Theological College.
More than 200 gather to reflect on Christian wisdom in an AI world
On Saturday 16 March, Prof Neil Dodgson from Victoria University in Wellington spoke at Scots’ Church in Melbourne on artificial intelligence (AI) and some of the changes we may face in the future. Along with other speakers organised by ISCAST and the more than 200 people who gathered for the event, he reflected on what it might mean to live with Christian wisdom in an AI world.
Upcoming webinar series to support launch of new Safeguarding Children and Young People Framework
The Safeguarding Unit of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne will be hosting a series of webinars for clergy, parish leadership teams and safeguarding committees this April following the release of version 2.0 of the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Children and Young People (SCYP) Framework. The new suite of documents have been redesigned to make them more accessible and to foster a shared understanding of—and commitment to—safeguarding within the Archdiocese.
Pointing everyone towards the Lord: Fr Paul Rowse OP on the Dominican charism
This year, the parish of St Dominic in Camberwell East is celebrating the centenary of its founding. Fr Paul Rowse OP, parish priest at St Dom’s, shares some of his story, how they are renewing the life of their parish, and what the Dominican charism offers modern society.
Supporting children’s mental wellbeing
With over 75 per cent of mental health issues occurring before the age of 25, anxiety and other mental health challenges are becoming increasingly prevalent among children and young people. CatholicCare Victoria offers a range of free and affordable services to help children and families implement effective coping mechanisms to manage stress, loss or challenging life transitions.
We’re going to Bonnie Doon: Catholic community reviving an old tradition
On Sunday 17 March, the small but tight-knit community of Mansfield Catholic Parish gathered at Bonnie Doon for St Patrick’s Day celebrations, reviving an old tradition.
‘St Patrick’s ... is not a fixed edifice but a living environment, not a static building but a dynamic precinct of faith, and it is time to explore seriously the ways that she may live and flourish as a true light into the city for the generations to come.’
Archbishop Peter A Comensoli
speaking in the Patrick Oration on the renewal of St Patrick's Cathedral, our ‘Mother Church’
Upcoming events
Compline Service and Reconciliation, Newman College
Thursday 21 March 2024
Compline is a peaceful evening ritual, with hymns sung by the Newman College Choir. It offers a serene way to wind down the mind, body and spirit before sleep. With soothing prayers, calming music, and moments of reflection, it provides a break from the hustle and busyness of daily life ...
Holy Week and Easter at St Patrick’s Cathedral
Sunday 24 March 2024, 11.00am
– Sunday 31 March 2024, 8.00pm
All are welcome to St Patrick’s Cathedral for this year’s Holy Week and Easter liturgies, some of which will be broadcast to TV and livestreamed for those unable to attend: Palm Sunday (24 March): 11am*Holy Thursday (28 March): 7.30pm* (please note: ‘The Watch’ will continue via our Archdiocesan YouTube channel)Good ...
The Melbourne Passion Play
Sunday 24 March 2024
Performed at the Holy Cross Centre, Templestowe, ‘The Melbourne Passion Play’ is a great opportunity to experience the passion and death of Christ enacted in Melbourne by a group of volunteers. This is a scene-by-scene representation of the ministry of Jesus by people in real, open-air surroundings. All welcome! Free ...
Encounter Evening, Hoppers Crossing
Sunday 24 March 2024
This unforgettable evening is tailor-made for high-school students, offering a unique opportunity to encounter Jesus with prayer, fellowship, food and, of course, a whole lot of fun. Let this Encounter Evening mark a significant step in your spiritual journey—a night filled with encountering Jesus that promises to leave a lasting ...
‘Made for Mission: Raising Leaders’
Thursday 11 April 2024
Experience the transformative journey at ‘Made for Mission: Raising Leaders’, where parish leaders come together to unleash change and ignite parish renewal. Join in cultivating a committed army of leaders for a brighter and revitalised community. Engage in a transformative experience led by experts in Catholic parish leadership and renewal ...
Marriage Encounter Weekend: Live Your Best Married Life in Love
Friday 12 April 2024, 10.00am
– Sunday 14 April 2024, 5.00pm
Every relationship is a journey, and the grind of everyday life can easily cause you to lose touch with your spouse. Presented by Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME), this live-in weekend gives married couples time to nurture their relationship and some tools to keep passion alive in a gentle, supportive environment ...
‘Answering the Call to Go Make Disciples’
Saturday 13 April 2024
Experience transformation at ‘Equipped for Mission: Answering the call to Go Make Disciples’ hosted by Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. Tailored for parish leaders and priests, this event features a keynote by Dan O'Rourke, President of Divine Renovation. Participate in interactive workshops led by Barb Conlon, Catholic Engagement Specialist ...
Jesus Youth National Conference 2024
Thursday 25 April 2024
– Sunday 28 April 2024
Registrations for the Jesus Youth National Conference 2024 are now open! This will be an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to God for the good works of the Movement in the last 20 years, reignite the missionary zeal, embrace synodality, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread ...

To learn more about upcoming events and opportunities, visit the Melbourne Catholic events page.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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