In this most solemn week of the year, we journey with Christ through the darkness of crucifixion and into the wonderful light of His resurrection. This theme of travelling through darkness into light is what Archbishop Peter A Comensoli speaks of in his 2022 Easter message, ‘The Eternal Dawn’. We also hear from Holy Trinity Parish, an amalgamation of three different parishes, who creatively took up this theme as a way of accompanying their people in coming out of lockdown.

Last Sunday was the Palm Sunday Walk for Justice, and thousands of people marched in Melbourne calling for an end to Australia’s policy of mandatory detention for asylum seekers and refugees. Representatives for many faith traditions were present as they brought attention to Australia’s cruel policies and broken promises towards those who come in need of help.

On Tuesday night, the Melbourne faithful gathered at St Patrick's Cathedral for the annual Chrism Mass, a deeply significant event in the life of the Church. This week we ask: what exactly is the Chrism Mass?

Also, since this week is Holy Week, we thought we might take a look at the way different cultures observe this most solemn week of the liturgical calendar. From Guatemala to Israel to Germany, there are traditions and rituals that are sure to fascinate (and probably shock).

The Passion of Christ is a mystery almost too profound to know what to do with. Fortunately we have the saints, the ones who have surrendered themselves to this mystery and provided us with a glimpse of what the Passion was, why it was necessary, and what it means.

Finally, the second session of the Plenary Council draws ever closer, and in the lead-up, a whole bunch of prayer resources have been released to help us keep the Council in our prayers. These resources will help us as, on Easter Sunday, the “Walking in the Spirit” prayer pilgrimage begins, taking us right up to the start of the Council on 3 July.

Archbishop Peter A Comensoli's Easter Message 2022: "The Eternal Dawn"
In his Easter message this year, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli invites us to go out and meet the Lord, who is the ‘dawn of a new creation’. As the Gospel tells us: Mary Magdalene, wrapped in grief and shock, dutifully went to attend to the dead body of Jesus, but what she encountered was the dawn of the risen Jesus – a light that broke into her darkened life.
‘The language of ethics’: Palm Sunday Walk for Justice 2022
While most of the country's attention was on the newly reinstated Australian Grand Prix last Sunday, another race was taking place on the streets of Melbourne – the race to stop the next federal government from treating refugees and asylum seekers as the political football they have been in Australia over the last few decades.
Hundreds gather for the annual Chrism Mass
A significant liturgical event during Holy Week is the Chrism Mass. What is it? And what is the significance the oils blessed? Even though this Mass may not feature prominently in Catholic consciousness, it has a long history, reaching back to the earliest centuries of the Church.
Holy Week around the world
How do other cultures and countries observe Holy Week and Good Friday? From Guatemala to Israel, here we take a look at just some of the fascinating (and shocking) ways in which people commemorate Christ's Passion.
Continue reading: Holy Week around the world
From Darkness into Light—an Advent-to-Easter journey for Holy Trinity Parish
As their parish emerged out of lockdown last year, Fr Raju Jacob and the Holy Trinity parish leadership team recognised that their community needed a time of prayer, healing and hope. Part of their response was to develop and offer an inspiring and diverse Advent-to-Easter program, ‘From Darkness into Light’. Thankfully, parishioners are beginning to return to the community with a renewed feeling of hope for the future.
The saint's guide to the Passion
There are ways to approach the Passion of Christ, and ways not to. The mysteries we approach in Holy Week are intense and profound, and if we don’t have the right guides for the journey, we’ll easily get lost. The saints are a great set of guides because they know how to approach Christ: Personally. If we treat Christ like an object to be dissected, analysed, and understood through rational analysis alone, our heads will split with the effort.
How to be a winner
What kind of victory does Jesus guarantee? He guarantees you that in your life you too can share in his victory: the victory of love over hatred; healing over hurt; forgiveness over revenge; compassion over selfishness; goodness over evil; life over death. He guarantees you that you will live this life with a sense of purpose and fulfilment, Fr Elio Capra SDB writes.
Continue reading: How to be a winner
Marriage formation opportunity for parishes
In his recent Patrick Oration, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli spoke about passing on the Gospel personally in our local communities, most importantly through the domestic Church. Marriage, as the foundation of the domestic Church, requires particular attention. So how can we support the married couples in our parish communities? The Marriage Kit Leader Formation Program from SmartLoving is one tool being made available (free of charge) to all parishes in the Melbourne Archdiocese this April.
People of God invited to surround Council in prayer
Catholics across the country are being invited to participate in a new prayer pilgrimage as the Church journeys towards the second assembly of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia. The “Walking in the Spirit” pilgrimage (17 April - 3 July) has been prepared to encourage individuals, families, parishes, schools and other ministries to keep the Plenary Council in their prayers.
‘May we emerge from our own shadows, step forward, and hasten to the Dawn of his resurrection and our re-creation.’
Archbishop Peter A Comensoli
Easter 2022
Take the Way of the Gospel—Stakeholder Advisory and Reference Group expressions of interest

We are currently seeking expressions of interest from clergy and laity to become members of the Take the Way of the Gospel Stakeholder Advisory and Reference Group. The Stakeholder Advisory and Reference Group provides advice, suggestions and feedback regarding the Take the Way of the Gospel journey to the Steering Committee (and other sub–working groups). The Terms of Reference provide further details on the membership and responsibilities of the group, and expressions of interest close on Wednesday 4 May 2022.

Read more
Upcoming Events
SmartLoving Marriage Kit Leader Formation Program
Wednesday 27 April 2022
Growing healthy marriages takes time and energy. Often couples, especially those with children, are time-poor and find it difficult to set aside time to invest in their marriage relationship. The Marriage Kit is an online course for couples to strengthen and enrich their marriage. It includes multimedia input via SmartLoving's ...
Mass of Thanksgiving for Health and Aged-care Workers
Sunday 1 May 2022
As we emerge from COVID, and as we reflect as a community on the experiences of the past two years, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving for Health and Aged-care Workers. Employees in the aged- and health-care service sectors are invited to attend this Mass, with ...
Engaging Your Faith: "Jesus Christ for Me Today"
Tuesday 3 May 2022
Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB will present this session as part of the Engaging Your Faith series from Catholic Theological College. These online short sessions offer an opportunity to explore your faith through a variety of topics including Theology, Spirituality, Biblical Studies, Vatican II, Pastoral Studies, Laudato Si, Christian Meditation ...
Engaging Your Faith: "The Lord is for the Body: The Theology of the Body Catecheses of John Paul II"
Thursday 5 May 2022
Associate Professor Adam Cooper will present this session as part of the Engaging Your Faith series from Catholic Theological College. These online short sessions offer an opportunity to explore your faith through a variety of topics including Theology, Spirituality, Biblical Studies, Vatican II, Pastoral Studies, Laudato Si, Christian Meditation, Lectio ...
Engaging Your Faith: "Prayer in the Gospel of Luke"
Monday 9 May 2022
Dr Rosemary Canavan will present this session as part of the Engaging Your Faith series from Catholic Theological College. These online short sessions offer an opportunity to explore your faith through a variety of topics including Theology, Spirituality, Biblical Studies, Vatican II, Pastoral Studies, Laudato Si, Christian Meditation, Lectio Divina ...
Engaging Your Faith: "Vatican II: Distant Memory or Unfolding Reality?"
Tuesday 10 May 2022
Rev. Dr Max Vodola will present this session as part of the Engaging Your Faith series from Catholic Theological College. These online short sessions offer an opportunity to explore your faith through a variety of topics including Theology, Spirituality, Biblical Studies, Vatican II, Pastoral Studies, Laudato Si, Christian Meditation, Lectio ...
Engaging Your Faith: "Why are Creation Stories in Genesis as Relevant as Ever?"
Wednesday 11 May 2022
Rev. Dr Kris Sonek OP will present this session as part of the Engaging Your Faith series from Catholic Theological College. These online short sessions offer an opportunity to explore your faith through a variety of topics including Theology, Spirituality, Biblical Studies, Vatican II, Pastoral Studies, Laudato Si, Christian Meditation ...
Mass to commemorate those who have died during the COVID pandemic
Sunday 22 May 2022
In recognition of the significant impact of COVID in our families and communities, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli will celebrate a memorial Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday 22 May for all those who have died during the COVID pandemic. This Mass will be offered for all the departed who ...
P.S. Before you go . . . (Just a reminder)
2022 Holy Week liturgies at Cathedral to be televised
It is with great joy that we are able to participate once again in the Holy Week and Easter liturgies at our local parishes. There remains, however, those in our community who are unable to attend in person. As such, the Holy Week liturgies at St Patrick's Cathedral will be televised on Community Channel C31 (channel 44 on TV) and streamed live on the Archdiocesan YouTube channel.

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office
of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

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