This weekend we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost – that momentous occasion when the disciples were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and sent out on mission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. In this week's collection of stories, we hear about the Gospel energy at work in the local Church – in parishes such as St Andrew's Werribee, St Scholastica's Bennettswood, St Philip's Blackburn North as well as in schools like Thomas Carr College which recently celebrated its silver jubilee.

This week is also Laudato Si' Week, and to mark the sixth anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical, we explore how a sacramental understanding of creation, grounded in Christ, informs the pope's approach to a more integral ecology.

And finally, in yet another sign of the Spirit at work, we celebrate the recent appointments of Monsignor Anthony Ireland and Fr Martin Ashe as Melbourne's newest auxiliary bishops. 'They are men of deep prayer and service,' said Archbishop Peter A Comensoli, 'with hearts for those in need and a passion to share and live the Gospel amongst God’s people.'