Earlier this week we marked the birthday of Sr Dr Mary Glowrey JMJ. Mary spent most of her life serving some of India's most vulnerable and her legacy lives on today. In this week's round up of stories, Melbourne artist Darien Pullen shares how he was so moved by Mary's life that he sculpted several bronze maquettes with the hope of one day creating a life-size statue in honour of this pioneering woman. Also this week we hear from Sr Lorraine Testa asjm, who recounts some of the joys and challenges of working in pastoral care during this time of the pandemic: 'Sometimes ... there was no family member to hold the dying person's hands. That God called me to minister in the last moments of another's life is beyond my comprehension.'
Finally, this week we received word that the local community TV station C31 Melbourne has received a license extension from the Government. This means that Sunday Mass from St Patrick's Cathedral will continue to be broadcast on free-to-air TV while COVID restrictions remain. Please share this news with family, friends and fellow parishioners who remain unable to attend Mass physically. 🎉🙏